The seriously depressed person sees
himself in a very negative way. He is sure that he is alone and hopeless. He
often blames himself for ordinary faults and shortcomings which he exaggerates.
He is very discouraged about himself, the world, and his future. He becomes less
interested in what is going on around him and doesn’t get satisfaction from
things he used to enjoy. Fatigue and early morning sleeplessness are quite
common. The depressed person may want to sleep more than usual. He may lose his
appetite and lose weight or eat more than normally and gain weight. Another
particular sign, seen in women is crying spells. Many of these spells are short
and common. Some depressive illness may not show the usual signs of moody sadness and hopelessness. In these cases, the potential depression may mask itself as physical discomfor A. The depressed person has false ideas because of his feeling of loss. B. Depressives think in general that they have lost something very important to them. C. The number of death from suicide is larger among women than among men. D. Crying spells in women is perhaps a sign of depression. [填空题]Complete the gap-filling task. Some of the gaps below may require a maximum of THREE words. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically & semantically acceptable. You may refer to our notes.
Does the Mass Media Take Sides Though I believe that they should side in a sense with the (1) of our readers and communities, I’ve found that things are not always the case. Throughout the war in Iraq; (2) information is ignored by much of the mass media, especially the broadcast media and big TV networks in the United States. In "TV News (3) ", our study of the reporting of the Iraqi war, we have found some (4) results. Ⅰ. American news tended to be favorable for the War effort, thus deviating from objective coverage. Ⅱ. While the Arab networks devoted around 23% airtime to (5) and protest, for the American channels it was just 7%. Ⅲ. Around 90% of [多选题]存款人变更开户资料信息的,应向开户银行提出变更申请,填写“变更银行结算账户内容申请书”,并提供()到开户银行办理。A
A.变更后的证明文件原件、B B.组织机构代码证C C.基本账户开户许可证D D.法定代表人身份证件E E.法定代表人或授权经办人的身份证件原件 [填空题]技工院校教师职称不能设置正高级职称。( )
[判断题]放射性膀胱炎的临床表现有尿频,尿急,尿痛或排尿困难伴肉眼血尿 (1分.)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]QQ属于网上通信中非即时通信方式的一种。
[单选题]现场防护员至少( )与驻站联络员联系一次
A.每3分钟 B.每5分钟 C.每10分钟 D.每15分钟 [单项选择]治疗巅顶痛最常用的腧穴是
A. 列缺 B. 太冲 C. 后溪 D. 内庭 E. 风府 [单项选择]为腹腔镜术后病人提供的护理内容,正确的是()。
A. 术后卧床休息半小时,并注意观察生命体征 B. 术后卧床休息3天,并注意观察脐部、腹部伤口情况 C. 协助术后病人及时下地活动 D. 术后连续24小时内,每小时测体温并记录 E. 术后出现肩痛及上肢不适时,按医嘱用抗生素 [单选题]单选题]下列关于特级化学防护服维护保养的表述中,错误的是( )。 (1分)
A.避免在太阳下曝晒。 B.避免与油、酸、碱等易燃、易爆物品或化学品混装。 C.脱下后的服装应进行检查,当各种配件完好且服装无损坏,可进一步冲洗浸泡,晾干后再次使用。 D.必须裸露贮存,并室内存放。 [单选题]根据易燃液体储运特点和火灾危险性的大小,易燃液体分为甲、乙、丙三类。甲类是指()。
A.闪电<28℃的液体 B.闪电≥60℃的液体 C.闪电≥40℃ D.28℃≤闪电<60℃的液体 [简答题]隧道防排水的基本原则和目的是什么?
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