Facial expressions carry meaning that
depends on situations and relationships. For instance, in American culture the
smile is typically an expression of{{U}} (36) {{/U}}Yet it has other
functions. A smile may {{U}} (37) {{/U}}love, politeness, or{{U}} (38) {{/U}}true feelings. It is also a source of confusion (混乱) across{{U}} (39) {{/U}}. For example, many people in Russia{{U}} (40) {{/U}}smiling at strangers in public to be unusual or even suspicious (怀疑). Yet many Americans{{U}} (41) {{/U}}freely at strangers in public places. Some Russians believe that Americans smile in the wrong{{U}} (42) {{/U}}; some Americans believe that Russians don’t smile{{U}} (43) {{/U}}. In Southeast Asian cultures, a smile is always used to cover emotional (感情的) pain or mental difficulty, discomf A. place B. time C. manner D. direction [单项选择]人民警察的( ),是指人民警察应具有的政治觉悟、理想信念、道德品 质和革命人生观的综合体现。
A. 业务素质 B. 素质 C. 文化素质 D. 政治素质 [单选题]钢筋焊接接头的 不在现行行业标准《钢筋焊接及验收规程》JGJ18的控制范畴。( )
A.工艺要求 B.焊条及焊剂选择 C.焊接操作 D.综合单价 [单项选择]设备工程质量特性可以是()的或定性的。
A. 随机 B. 波动 C. 定量 D. 偶然 [判断题]钢丝绳可以作任意选用,且可超负荷使用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]One thing that distinguishes the online world from the real one is that it is very easy to find things. To find a copy of The Economist in print, one has to go to a news-stand, which may or may not carry it. Finding it online, though, is a different proposition. Just go to Google, type in "economist" and you will be instantly directed to economist.com. Though it is difficult to remember now, this was not always the case. Indeed, until Google, now the world’s most popular search engine, came on to the scene in September 1998, it was not the case at all. As in the physical world, searching online was a hit-or-miss affair.
Google was vastly better than anything that had come before: so much better, in fact, that it changed the way many people use the web. Almost overnight, it made the web far more useful, particularly for nonspecialist users, many of whom now regard Google as the internet’s front door. The recent fuss over Google’s stock market flotation obscures its far wider social A. its unique mathematical recipe B. the popularity of its brand among users C. that it was the first search engine in the world D. its stock market flotation [单选题]男性,23岁,昏迷1天来诊。查体:BP80/60mmHg,呼吸28次/分,HR120次/分,消瘦,脱水貌,深大呼吸,呼之不应,血糖20.5mmol/L,尿酮体(++++)。
A.皮下注射胰岛素 B.生理盐水+小剂量胰岛素 C.5%葡萄糖液+胰岛素 D.生理盐水+大剂量胰岛素 E.10%葡萄糖液+胰岛素 [多选题]( )在生产经营、市场开拓、科研工程等各条战线
表现杰出的党员,直属单位党委可以其名义或名字命名 等 ,增 强党员的荣誉感、使命感 A.责任区 B.示范岗 C.工作队室 D.生产班组 E.操作法 [单项选择]He()for her for one hour by the time she arrived there.
A. has been waiting B. has waited C. had been waiting D. waited [单项选择]在气管切开中,有助于术中数清气管环的数序的重要解剖标志是()
A. 环状软骨 B. 甲状腺峡部 C. 甲状软骨 D. 胸骨上窝 E. 舌骨 [多项选择]下列关于期间的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 在异地执行拘留时,则返回途中所需的时间不能计算在拘留后应在12小时内对被拘留人进行询问的期间内 B. 节假日不应当计算在期间以内 C. 期间开始的时和日不计算在期间以内 D. 当事人住处离法院较远,则他们为参加诉讼而花费在途中的时间,应当从法定期间内扣除 [单选题] 1kWh电能可供“220V、40W”灯泡正常发光时间是( )h。
A.100 B.200 C.95 D.25 [单选题]在自然保护区、禁猎(渔)区、禁猎(渔)期猎捕国家重点保护野生动物,未取得特许猎捕证、未按照特许猎捕证规定猎捕、杀害国家重点保护野生动物,或者使用禁用的工具、方法猎捕国家重点保护野生动物的,应( )。
A.根据《野生动物保护法》的规定,予以行政处罚 B.根据《刑法》规定,追究行为人的刑事责任 C.追究行为人刑事责任的同时,给予其行政处罚 D.以上选型均不对 [多选题]投入主变压器差动保护前应检查()。(多选题(1分)
A.相关联的差动保护电流试验端子连接正确 B.相应的主变压器控制屏上无[电流回路断线]信号 C.相应的主变压器保护装置无[TA回路异常]告警信号 D.相应的主变压器显示三相差回路电流大致平衡 E.变压器房门有无关闭 [单项选择]Reviewing work products and results to ensure that all were completed satisfactorily and formally accepted is part of ______ .
A. risk management B. quality control C. change control management D. verify scope [单选题]IPSec协议工作在(____)。
A. 数据链路层 B. 网络层 C. 应用层 D. 传输层 [单项选择]Less than a year ago, a new generation of diet pills seemed to offer the long-sought answer to our chronic weight problems. Hundreds of thousands of pound-conscious Americans had discovered that a drug combination known as "fen-phen" could shut off voracious appetites like magic, and the FDA had just approved a new drug, Redux, that did the same with fewer side effects. Redux would attract hundreds of thousands of new pill poppers within a few months.
But now the diet drug revolution is facing a backlash. Some of the nation’s largest HMOs, including Aetna U.S. Healthcare and Prudential Healthcare, have begun cutting back or eliminating reimbursement for both pills. Diet chains like Jenny Craig and Nutri System are backing away from them too. Several states, meanwhile, have restricted the use of fen-phen. Last week the Florida legislature banned new prescriptions entirely and called on doctors to wean current patients from the drug within 30 days; it also put a 90-day limit on Redu A. The severe obesity carries potential illness. B. The diet pills were sold to all comers without discrimination. C. The pills may still be effective if properly administered. D. The pills shouldn’t have been hailed as miraculous cures and then discarded as dangerous drugs. [单选题]新安装未移交业主的电梯( )是使用单位
A.项目建设单位 B.物业 C.电梯安装单位 D.产权单位 [判断题]用绝缘棒拉合隔离开关应戴绝缘手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某采石场向高速公路二标段的承包单位甲路桥公司运送砂石。甲公司未能按照合同约定给付砂石款,采石场拟通过法律手段解决。
如果采石场选择了仲裁,则( )。 A. 就没有选择仲裁员的权利 B. 申请仲裁后就不可以就此事再达成和解 C. 无正当理由不到庭,就视为撤回仲裁 D. 若对仲裁结果不服,可以继续上诉 [单选题]大型养路机械在封锁区间独自运行时,续行间隔不得少于( )m,续行速度不得超过规定速度,并做好随时停车的准备。
A.10 B.50 C.100 D.300 [单选题]鱼腥草中的主要活性成分鱼腥草素为
A.黄酮类化合物 B.三萜类化合物 C.苯丙素类化合物 D.挥发油类化合物 E.甾体类化合物 [多选题]房地产市场需求调查主要包括( )。
A.房地产消费者调查 B.房地产消费动机调查 C.房地产市场反映调查 D.房地产消费行为调查 E.建筑设计及施工企业调查 [单选题]使用气焊、气割动火作业时,乙炔瓶应直立放置;氧气瓶与乙炔气瓶间距不应小于()。
A.15 B.10 C.5 [单选题]LIMS系统中,对于在同一条数据下存在“1” 、 “2”两种录入顺序代码,下列说法正确的是
A.“1”的检测项目没有录 入结果,在结果录入查看不到“2”的检测项目 B.只有顺序 代码是“1”的所有项目出具后才可以检测代码“2”的项目 C.如“1”的结果不合格则代码“2”的检测项目不生成 D.如果将“2”的结果取消掉,“1”的结果也将取消 [判断题]债券借贷交易的期限由借贷双方协商确定,最长不得超过365天。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交