The majority of people, about nine out
of ten, are right-handed. Up until recently, people who were left- handed were
considered abnormal, and once children showed this {{U}} (67) {{/U}} they
were forced to use their right hands. Today left-handedness is generally {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, but it is still a disadvantage in a world {{U}} (69) {{/U}} most people are right-handed. For example, most tools and implements are still {{U}} (70) {{/U}} for right-handed people. In sports, by {{U}} (71) {{/U}}, doing things with the left hand or foot, is often an advantage. Throwing, kicking, punching or batting from the so-called "{{U}} (72) {{/U}}"side may result in throwing {{U}} (73) {{/U}} many opponents who are more accustomed {{U}} (74) {{/U}} dealing with the majority of players who right- handed. This is why, in many {{U}} (75) {{/U A. direction B. orientation C. slope D. tendency [判断题]电力机车在运行、站停过程中,出现高压电压互感器爆裂、油脂溢出、外观变形时,司机要立即断电、降弓,并汇报列车调度员(车站值班员),确认不能继续运行时立即请求救援。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为降低煤气对管道的腐蚀,必须减少煤气中的冷凝水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《保安服务管理条例》规定,具有下列( )情形之一的人员不得从事保安服务
A.曾因故意犯罪被刑事处罚 B.曾经违反学校纪律 C.曾经违反社会公德 D.曾因过失被学校领导批评 [简答题]无证驾驶机动车辆,是指哪些情况?
A. 食管入口、左主支气管压迫、主动脉弓压迫、贲门 B. 食管入口、左主支气管压迫、主动脉弓压迫、食管穿过横膈裂孔 C. 食管入口、主动脉弓压迫、左主支气管压迫、食管穿过横膈裂孔 D. 食管入口、主动脉弓压迫、左主支气管压迫、贲门 E. 食管入口、左主支气管压迫、食管穿过横膈裂孔、主动脉弓压迫 [单选题]作业人员应具备必要的相关知识和业务技能,且按工作性质,熟悉《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程》的相关部分,并经( )。
A.安监部门批准 B.生产领导批准 C.考试合格 D.部门认可 [判断题] 对监控可覆盖的重点路口、部位、行业、场所、单位、人员等进行守侯式监控主要是守控要道路口,守控高危部位,守控重点人员。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法(2015修正)》,不属于立功表现的是( )。
A.当事人有揭发他人安全生产违法行为,并经查证属实; B.提供查处其他安全生产违法行为的重要线索,并经查不属实; C.阻止他人实施安全生产违法行为; D.协助司法机关抓捕其他违法犯罪嫌疑人的行为。 [单选题]室外低压配电线路和设备验电宜使用( )。
A.绝缘棒 B.工频高压发生器 C.声光验电器 D.高压验电棒 [单项选择]The sentence the seniors create a sense of meaning for themselves means the seniors ______.
A. acquire a new meaning of their lives B. understand the meaning of the web C. create a web site for themselves D. add a new meaning to the web [多选题]依照《消防法》的规定对个人占用、堵塞、封闭疏散通道的行为,应当(
A.责令改正 B.给予警告或罚款处罚 C.经责令改正拒不改正的,强制执行 D.给予行政拘留处罚 [单项选择]Some features of a theory may be considered very important if they are ______.
A. indicative of the truth of the theory B. irrelevant to an analysis of scientific knowledge C. irrelevant to doing science D. neutral to a theory’s being true or false [多项选择]S-Zorb装置试运行闭锁料斗前的准备有()。
A. 程序的安装 B. 程控阀的安装 C. 仪表的配合 D. 物料的投用 [单项选择]做好( ),永远是公安机关的一项重要任务,永远是做好公安工作的重要条件。
A. 政治工作 B. 组织工作 C. 宣传工作 D. 群众工作 [单项选择]举重比赛中,男子比赛分成青少年和成年两大类,共()个级别。
A. 5个 B. 6个 C. 8个 [多项选择]当地下水位较高,潜水层埋藏不深时,可采用( )截流地下水及降低地下水位,沟底应埋入不透水层内。
A. 排水沟 B. 边沟 C. 截水沟 D. 蒸发地 E. 暗沟 [单项选择]笔试的可靠性()
A. 产生一致的结果 B. 测量出学生之间较小的差距 C. 实际的测量结果是被期待的 [单选题]车站、段管线道岔表示器电源由()部门负责维护。
A.工务 B.车务 C.电务 D.供电 [判断题]曲线上超高不足部分称为欠超高,超高剩余部分称为过超高。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.
Tulips were introduced into Holland before the 17th century but it did not take long for the flowers to gain popularity among the upper classes. Flowers of such beauty and rarity soon be came symbols of power and prestige and the rich tried their utmost to lay their hands on some to display in their gardens. By 1634, the whole country was so fascinated by tulips that all other activities almost came to a stop. People were trading in tulips and even buying and selling unsprouted flowers. It was similar to the futures market today, where traders are buying and selling crude oil or cotton which they will never see. As the tulip trades increased, regular markets were set up on the Stock Exchange of Amsterdam and other towns. That happened in the year 1636 when the craze was reaching its peak. The bubble finally burst in 1637. For some unknown reasons maybe a group of people suddenly realized the madness tuli [单项选择]下列哪一项不能通过加减乘除计算得到24?()
A. 5,5,5,1 B. 3,3,3,8 C. 3,3,8,8 D. 4,4,9,9 [单选题]停电检修时,如果作业线路与其它高压带电线路交叉或邻近,由于停电线路上可能产生较髙的感应电压,作业人员应穿戴屏蔽服,并按带电作业方式进行检修作业。
A.A.绝缘服 B.B.屏蔽服 C.C.导电鞋 D.D.导电靴 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]易燃易爆工厂、仓库内一律为禁火区,并应设禁火标志。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]•-01-2021:17:12.161
[单选题]煤气红外线辐射器的安装高度,应根据人体的舒适辐射照度确定,但不应低于( )m。
A.2.5 B.2.8 C.3.0 D.3.2 [单项选择]漏斗胸常合并
A. 先天性心脏病 B. 上肢畸形 C. 下肢畸形 D. 头颅畸形 E. 智力障碍 我来回答: 提交