In American high schools, most
students{{U}} (41) {{/U}}English, science, math and history
(历史,履历). These are basic (基础) courses and each course (过程,教程) is as{{U}}
(42) {{/U}}as the others. In English class, the students study grammar
(语法) and read famous literature (文学). In science class, they study biology
(生物学), chemistry (化学) or physics (物理). History is more interesting {{U}} (43)
{{/U}}some students because they{{U}} (44) {{/U}}about important
events (事件) and places in the United States. Students take other, courses, too.
These are electives (先修课程). Some of them are music, home economics (家政学) and
computer science. Students don’t{{U}} (45) {{/U}} take all of these
courses. Some study music because they feel it is more{{U}} (46) {{/U}}.
Some study computer science because they [判断题]报数时横队的最后一名不转头
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]个体工商户生产经营活动中,应当分别核算生产经营费用和个人、家庭费用。对于生产经营与个人、家庭生活混用难以分清的费用,全部视为个人、家庭生活费用,不允许在税前扣除。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]You configure a new SQL Server 2005 computer to use TCP/IP with all default settings. Your corporate policy requires that each server use a firewall. You find that you can connect to the SQL Server instance from the local computer. However, client computers cannot connect to the SQL Server instance. You need to identify the most likely cause of the connection issues. What should you do first?()
A. Ensure that port 1433 is open in your firewall. B. Ensure that port 443 is open in your firewall. C. Ensure that client computers connect by using Shared Memory protocol. D. Ensure that the server is not paused. [单选题]下列项目中,属于会计估计项目的是 ( )。
A.固定资产的使用年限和净残值 B.借款费用是资本化还是费用化 C.非货币性资产交换的的计量 D.长期股权投资的会计处理方法 [单选题]下列关于湿式自动灭火系统洒水喷头选取的说法中,错误的是( )。
A.不做吊顶的场所,当配水支管布置在梁下时,应采用下垂型洒水喷头 B.顶板为水平面的轻危险级旅馆,可采用边墙型喷头 C.易受碰撞的部位,应采用带保护罩的洒水喷头或吊顶型洒水喷头 D.吊顶下布置的洒水喷头,应采用下垂型洒水喷头或吊顶型洒水喷头 [多选题]为了减少或防止喷射混凝土收缩开裂,除了( ),坚持在喷层终凝后进行洒水护养也是很重要的。
A.选用优质水泥 B.控制水泥用量 C.不用细沙 D.掌握喷层厚度 E.使用保质期内的水泥 [填空题]每个工作日的8:00,查询本专业的(),了解设备的运行状况。
[单选题]送电线路的电压等级是指线路的( )
A.相电压 B.线电压 C.线路总电压 D.端电压 [单项选择]根据面神经下颌缘支的行径,下颌下区的手术切口应
A. 低于下颌骨下缘0.5~1.0cm B. 高于下颌骨下缘0.5cm左右 C. 低于下颌骨下缘1.5~2.0cm D. 平齐下颌骨下缘 E. 低于下颌骨下缘2cm以下 [单项选择]急性骨髓炎,骨膜下穿刺抽出脓液后,最重要的治疗是()。
A. 联合应用大剂量有效抗生生素 B. 局部石膏托固定 C. 骨皮质局部钻孔或"开窗"引流术 D. 用清热解毒中药治疗 E. 降温、补液,少量多次输血 [名词解释]建筑砂浆
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