The crowd stirred and whispered in awe as, on the stage, the horse slowly tapped out the beat. Everyone became tense and quiet as the number of taps neared the correct answer to the horse trainer’s question. After the final tap, the horse paused, seemed to look around and stopped. The crowd went wild!
The horse’s name was Clever Hans, the Educated Horse, and was featured in a vaudeville (杂耍) act in the early 1900s, in Europe. When asked a complicated mathematical question by his owner, Clever Hans would tap out the correct answer with his hooves. For example, if the answer was sixty-eight, Hans would tap out six with his left hoof and eight with his right hoof. Even more remarkable, the owner would leave the room after asking the question, so there could be no secret signal between owner and horse. A mere animal seemed to be accomplishing a highly technical skill of man’s!
It wasn’t until years later that the secret of the trick was reveale
A. a first person account
B. a dramatic account
C. an understatement
D. a scientific finding
The two claws of the mature American
lobster are decidedly different from each other. The crusher claw is short and
stout; the cutter claw is long and slender. Such bilateral asymmetry, in which
the fight side of the body is, in all other respects, a mirror image of the left
side, is not unlike handedness in humans. But where the majority of humans are
right-handed, in lobsters the crasher claw appears with equal probability on
either the right side or left side of the body. Bilateral asymmetry of the claws comes about gradually. In the juvenile fourth and fifth stages of development, the paired claws are symmetrical and cutter like. Asymmetry begins to appear in the juvenile sixth stage of development, and the paired claws further diverge toward well-defined cutter and crusher claws during succeeding stages. An intriguing aspect A. The loss of a claw during the third or earlier stage of development. B. The lose of claw during the fourth or fifth stage of development. C. The loss of a claw during the sixth stage of development. D. Development in an environment devoid of material that can be manipulated. [填空题]学前儿童体育中徒手操的动作分为()、()、()、()。
A.工作票签发人和工作许可人 B.工作票签发人或工作许可人 C.工作票签发人和专责监护人 D.工作票签发人或专责监护人 [多选题]执勤战斗预案实行逐级审核制度( )部队制定的执勤战斗预案必须报请部队机关审核,批准后方可投入使用
A.同级 B.下一级 C.高级 D.上一级 [单选题]通常飞机放襟翼后,机翼要产生附加的()力矩,平尾要产生附加的()力矩。
A. 上仰、上仰 B. 上仰、下俯 C. 下俯、上仰 D. 下俯、下俯 [单选题]电话退勤时应先完成本班工作与接班司机进行交接后,再到换乘室( )给派班员退勤,汇报本班工作情况及落实归还行车备品。
A.发微信 B.打电话 C.发邮件 D.寄信 [判断题]( )31、装备技师应当在执勤队站干部的领导下,履行组织指导消防员操作使用、维护保养装备、诊断和排除装备一般故障、遂行装备技术保障、录入维护装备管理信息系统等职责。易
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]某汽车生产企业将自产的小汽车赠送给股东,需计算缴纳车辆购置税。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]‡年6月作业港口项目启动在广西北部湾港北海港区,广西首个5G+无人驾驶集装箱卡车。无人驾驶集装箱卡车的出现说明()。
A. 机器成为实践的主体 B. 人工智能取代人类意识 C. 人能够通过工具延伸自己的肢体功能 D. 实践不具备能动性 [多选题]火炬头设置有蒸汽是为了( )
A.消烟 B.保护火炬头 C.引入空气使之与排出气体充分混合 D.防止空气倒流 [单选题] 在单回路控制系统中,若被控对象干扰通道的迟延时间增大时,在扰动作用下系统的动态偏差将不变;若被控对象控制通道的时间常数增大时,控制过程时间将( )。
A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.等于0 [判断题] <中级>
双机抬吊柱子时,两绑扎点与基础中心线应分别在两台起重机的回转半径上。( ) A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交