The economy of the United States, as well as that of most developed nations, operates according to the principles of the free market. This differs from the economies of socialist or Communist countries, where governments play a strong role in deciding what goods and services will be produced, how they will be distributed, and how much they will cost. Businesses in free-market economies benefit from certain fundamental rights or freedoms. All people in free-market societies have the right to own, use, buy, sell, or give away property, thus permitting them to own and operate their own businesses as private, profit-seeking enterprises. Business owners in free markets may choose to run their businesses however they like. This right gives businesses the authority to hire and fire employees, invest money, purchase machinery and equipment, A. deciding the amounts of goods and services B. deciding the right to own, use, buy, sell, or give away property. C. deciding the price of commodities D. deciding the methods of distributing goods [单选题]项目监理机构中任何一个下级只接受唯一上级的命令的是()。
A.矩阵职能式 B.直线式监理组织形式 C.职能式 D.矩阵式 [填空题]电工仪表不仅可以测量电磁量,还可以通过各种变换器来测量(),如温度、压力、速度等。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变电站技改工程验收隐蔽工程验收的组织分工中110(66)kV及以下变电站技改工程隐蔽工程验收由地市公司运检部选派相关专业技术人员参加。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]三氯氢硅侵入人体的途径( ) ( )( )。
A. 止嗽散 B. 桑菊饮 C. 二陈汤 D. 清金化痰汤 E. 加减泻白散 我来回答: 提交