Feld, the shoemaker, was annoyed that
his helper, Sobel, was so insensitive to his reverie that he wouldn’t for a
minute cease his fanatic pounding at the other bench. He gave him a look, but
Sobel’s bald head was bent over the last as he worked, and he didn’t notice. The
shoemaker shrugged and continued to peer through the partly frosted window at,
the near-sighted haze of falling February snow. Neither the shifting white blur
outside, nor the sudden deep remembrance of the snowy Polish village where he
had wasted his youth could turn his thoughts from Max, the college boy (a
constant visitor in the mind since early that morning when Feld saw him trudging
through the snowdrifts on his way to school), whom he so much respected because
of the sacrifices he had made throughout the years in winter or direst heat— A. Feld may not have a happy childhood. B. Feld cherished his childhood memories. C. Feld thought highly of man of perseverance. D. Feld lived an affluent but empty life. [填空题]In the late 1960s’, many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems, and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized.{{U}} (36) {{/U}}pointed out that a cluster of tall buildings in a city often{{U}} (37) {{/U}}public transportation and parking lot{{U}} (38) {{/U}}.
Skyscrapers are also extravagant{{U}} (39) {{/U}}, and wasters, of electric power. In one recent year, the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office in New York city raised the{{U}} (41) {{/U}}daily demand for electricity by 120 000 kilowatts--enough to supply the entire city of Albany, New York, for a day. Glass walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful. The heat loss through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical stone wall filled with{{U}} (42) {{/U}}board. To lessen the strain on heating and air-conditioning{{U}} (43) {{/U}},builders of skyscrapers have begun to use special glass that reduce glare
[单选题]Windows 7中,利用“搜索”窗口不能按( )。
A.文件中所包含的文字查找 B.文件创建日期查找 C.文件所属类型查找 D.文件属性查找 [单选题]HXD3型电力机车每轴有( )个制动盘。
A. 1 B.2 C.4 [单选题]某单桩抗拔静载试验,单桩承载力特征值1000kN,采用试桩两侧的地基土作反力,钢筋混凝土反力板对称布置在试桩两侧,已知地基土承载力特征值为100kPa,请问单侧反力板宜取
多大面积?( )
A.6.67m2 B.7.67m2 C.6.76m2 D.7.76m2 [简答题]计算题:拉伸试验中,试样断后最小横截面积为180mm2,试样原始横截面积为200mm2,求断面收率?
A. 心、肺 B. 心、肝 C. 肺、脾 D. 肺、肝 E. 肺、肾 [填空题]一只雌性美洲蟑螂能活()年,在此期间,它能产下大约()枚卵。
[判断题]证券交易风险就是指证券公司在代理买卖证券的过程中由于各种主观原因而造成损失的可能性。( )
[单选题]连接切割头减速器与主电动机的螺钉是( ) 。
A.M24×90 B.M30×80 C.M30×100 D.M50×100 E.略 F.略 [单选题]通过分析物体的原子释放或者吸收的光可以测量物体是在远离地球还是在接近地球
A.在遥远的宇宙中.也发现了个别蓝移的天体 B.地球并非处于宇宙的中心区域 C.人们所能观察的星体可能不足真实宇宙的百分之一 D.从宇宙中其他天体的视角看,红移也是占绝对优势的现象 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,饮食供应工作要认真贯彻执行《食品安全法》,加强食品采购、保管、加工、销售等各环节的管理,严防食物中毒。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通票的有效期计算,( )km以内为两日。
A.500 B.600 C.800 D.1000 [单项选择]我国《水污染防治法》规定,负责统一发布国家水环境状况信息的行政主管部门是
A. 国务院水主管部门 B. 国务院环境保护主管部门 C. 国务院海洋主管部门 D. 国务院政府信息公开工作主管部门 [填空题]一条物理信道直接连接两个需要通信的数据设备,称为【 】通信。
[多选题]公安机关对于现行犯或者重大嫌疑分子,如果有下列( )情形之一的,可以先行拘留。
A.被害人或者在场亲眼看见的人指认他犯罪的 B.犯罪后企图自杀、逃跑或者在逃的 C.身份不明有流窜作案重大嫌疑的 D.在身边或者住处发现有犯罪证据的 我来回答: 提交
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