Ordinarily, I’m hardly what you’d call
a nosy neighbor—each to his own is my credo. Yet, without moving from my desk,
I’ve learned what my neighbors paid for their houses, whether they*ye
refinanced, how many bathrooms they have, and what their median income is. I
know their birth dates, social security numbers, and driving records. And with a
bit more digging I could unearth many of their legal and business
dealing. Do you find this unsettling You might. But consider this: None of this information is considered private. All of it, and much more, is available online to anyone with a computer and a modem. What does the online world know about you Plenty—whether you’re online or not. Using a pseudonym (handsome@service.com) won’t help, either. That’s because most of the information about you isn’t coming from you, at least not directly. It’s A. (A) giving away B. (B) demanding C. (C) bearing down on D. (D) having in mind set on [判断题]液环压缩机中被压缩气体只与叶轮接触而不与外壳接触。
[填空题]( )属于硬性约束,使每一位成员从一开始就自觉地、主动地按照组织文化和组织 精神的标准去行动比较困难,因此为了巩固已提炼定格的组织文化,有必要建立奖优罚劣的规章 制度。
A. 利益争议 B. 法律争议 C. 权利争议 D. 合同争议 [判断题][判断题]在电缆的内部结构中,缆芯由屏蔽四线组和普通四线组及对绞组、单芯线组成的铁路内屏蔽数字信号电缆我们称为A型缆。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]坚持党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机统一是
A. 坚持政治文明建设的正确方向 B. 推进政治文明建设必须遵循的基本方针 C. 我国社会主义政治文明区别于资本主义文明的本质特征 D. 物质文明建设的根本保证 [判断题]“动改法”是:省力动作原则,省时动作原则,动作舒适原则,动作简化原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]多轴飞行器的螺旋桨()
A.桨根处升力系数小于桨尖处线速度 B.桨根处升力系数大于桨尖处线速度 C.桨根处升力系数等于桨尖处线速度 [判断题]乘客应急信息:由于故障、事件、事故或其它原因影响运营时,车站、列车需要对乘客发布的信息,具体包括车站、列车广播,车站、列车 PIS 信息显示。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交