More than 6,000 children were expelled (开除) from US school last year for bringing guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8.
The department gave a report to the expulsions (开除) as saying handguns accounted for 58 percent of the 6,093 expulsions in 1996 and 1997, against 7 percent for rifles (步枪) or shotguns and 35 percent for other types of firearms.
"The report is a clear sign that out nation’s public schools are cracking down (严惩) on students who bring guns to school," Education Secretary Richard Riley said in a statement. "We need to be tough-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe. "
In March 1997, an 11 years old boy and 13 years old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14 years o
A. students enjoy shooting
B. students are eager to be solider
C. safety is a problem
D. students can make guns
2009年某地气象资料月统计值 | ||||||
月 | 月平均气压 (0.1百帕) | 月平均气温 (0.1℃) | 月平均相对 湿度(%) | 月平均总云量 (0.1成) | 月平均风速 (0.1米/秒) | 月降水量 (0.1毫米) |
1 | 6522 | 10 | 17 | 99999 | 12 | 0 |
2 | 6496 | 37 | 16 | 99999 | 19 | 10 |
3 | 6511 | 58 | 23 | 99999 | 21 | 42 |
4 | 6513 | 114 | 2l | 99999 | 18 | 8 |
5 | 6515 | 142 | 25 | 99999 | 20 | 60 |
6 A. 1月和2月 B. 3月和4月 C. 5月和6月 D. 7月和8月 [简答题]说明下列后缘襟翼的增升原理?
[单选题]列车途中发生货装问题时,车站能处理的由车站处理,涉及装载加固等无法处理的由车站通知( )人处理。
A.助理值班员 B.调车人员 C.货运人员 D.列检人员 [单选题]《计量法》规定,国际单位制计量单位和国家选定的其他计量单位,为国家法定计量单位。国家法定计量单位的名称、符号由( )公布。
A.有关计量研究院 B.国务院 C.省级以上人民政府计量行政部门 D.县级以上人民政府计量行政部门 [单项选择]Passage 4
Despite the fact that today virus are known to cause cancer in animals and in plants, there exists a great reluctance to accept viruses as being of importance in human cancer. Basic biological phenomena generally do not differ strikingly as one goes from one species to another. It should be recognized that cancer is a biological problem and not a problem that is unique for man. Cancer originates when a normal cell suddenly becomes a cancer which multiplies widely and without apparent restraint. Cancer may originate in many different kinds of cell, but the cancer cell usually continues to carry certain traits of the cell of origin. The transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell may have more than one kind of cause, but there is good reason to consider the relationships that exist between viruses and cancer.
Since there is no evidence that human cancer, as generally experienced, is infectious, many persons believe that because viruses are infectious age
A. Human cancer is infectious. B. Human cancer has more than one kind of cause. C. Man is host to many viruses. D. Viruses can mutate. [单选题]施工方案即以()为主要对象编制的施工技术与组织方案,用以具体指导其施工过程。
A.单位工程 B.任何工程 C.分部(分项)工程或专项工程 D.子单位工程 [单选题]禁止把氧气瓶及乙炔气瓶放在一起运送,也不应与易燃物品或装有可燃气体的容器一起运送。
A. A.应 B.B.不应 [单项选择]A. can be predicted at birth
B. stays the same throughout his life C. can be increased by education D. is determined by his childhood [多项选择]现阶段社会生产力落后,经济发展不平衡,表现在( )。
A. 市场经济在国民经济中占主体地位 B. 自然经济、半自然经济占相当比重 C. 生产社会化程度比较低,商品经济和市场不发达 D. 东部、中西部经济发展不平衡 [单项选择]多数票制最普遍的形式是()。
A. 简单多数方法 B. 加权简单多数法 C. 同意表决法 D. 赞成投票制 [单项选择]
A. investigation B. analysis C. negotiation D. sample [多项选择]睡眠诱发中如果不能获得自然睡眠,可以采用药物诱导睡眠,一般选择药物的要求是()
A. 起效时间快 B. 持续时间短 C. 对睡眠结构影响小 D. 起效时间慢 E. 持续时间长 [填空题] 应付核算业务部在服务目录划分上,二级服务目录包括 ( ) 、 ( ) 、其他。
[单选题]计算机中数据总线的宽度是指( )。
A.通过它一次所能传递的字节数 B.通过它一次所能传递的二进制位数 C.CPU能直接访问的主存单元的个数 D.CPU能直接访问的磁盘单元的个数 [单项选择]在社会主义市场经济条件下,国家的宏观调控不同于计划经济条件下那种对企业生产经营的直接干预,必须按照市场经济规律,运用经济和法律手段,辅之以必要的行政手段,对国民经济进行合理调节。从哲学上看,这样做主要是因为( )。
A. 市场经济和国家的宏观调控是相互联系的 B. 在某种意义上说,社会主义市场经济就是法制经济,必须通过法律手段进行宏观调控 C. 自然规律是客观的,社会规律是主观的 D. 所有的规律都是客观的,人们必须按客观规律办事 [单项选择]1千克力/平方米等于()毫米水柱
A. 9.8 B. 10 C. 1 D. 7.6 [单项选择]“必须贯彻全面从严治党要求,不断提高党的执政能力和执政水平,确保我国发展航船沿着正确航道破浪前进。”根本的发展保障,回答了()。
A. 如何以改革促发展 B. 发展需要怎样的政治领导 C. 发展如何对接世界 D. 发展如何面向未来 [多项选择]具有法人资格可适用《民事诉讼法》中所规定的破产还债程序的企业包括下列哪些( )
A. 全民所有制企业 B. 中外合资经营企业 C. 全民所有制企业与集体所有制企业共同成立的联营企业 D. 集体企业 [单选题]正弦交流电的最大值、有效值是( )。
A.随时间变化而变化 B.不随时间变化 C.当t=0时,均为0 D.可能变化 [单选题]政府对建设工程质量监督的主要手段是()
A.行政处罚 B.实行施工许可制度和竣工验收备案制度 C.行政审批 D.实行第三方质量监督机构的强制性监督 [判断题]收油前要及时与调度联系,明确油品的品种、数量、时间和数量。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]当盛装易燃物的容器、管道发生爆炸时,爆炸抛出的易燃物有可能引起大面积火灾,这种情况在( )最易发生。
A.油罐爆破后 B.液化气瓶爆破后 C.气体爆炸 D.物理爆炸 [简答题]在何种情况下采用基轴制比基孔制更合理?
A. 25 B. 20 C. 15 D. 30 [判断题]( )化工产品采样量在满足需要前提下,样品量越少越好,但其量至少满足三次重复检测和加工处理的要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]以下对化疗引起的恶心、呕吐护理措施中哪项不正确( )
A.少量多餐避免饱食感 B.饮料中不加糖或甜食 C.饭后立即平卧 D.低脂饮食 [单选题]索道架设应按()因素精确计算索道架设弛度。
A.索道设计运输能力 B.选用的承力索强度 C.支撑点位置 D.跨越物距离 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交