Changes in Museums{{/B}} Museums have changed. They are no longer places that one "should" visit, they are places to enjoy and learn. At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Metropolitan (大城市的) Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at the seventeenth century instruments while listening to their music. At New York’s American Museum of Natural History recently, you can help make a bone-by-hone reproduction of the museum’s dinosaur(恐龙), a beast that lived 200 million years age. More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, for example, th [单选题] 当打开箱(柜)门进行检查或操作时,应站位至箱门,避免箱内设备异常引发的伤害。
A.侧面 B.正面 C.内侧 D外侧 [多项选择]房地产登记的原则包括()。
A. 权利主体一致原则 B. 全面控制原则 C. 责权利相结合原则 D. 经济效益原则 E. 属地管理原则 [多选题]深昏迷包括( )。(0.07分)
A.全身肌肉松弛 B.对外界任何刺激无反应 C.各种反射消失 D.生命体征不稳定 E.全身肌肉紧张 [判断题]双绞线传输的是电磁信号。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]消息主要是一种()载体,它以报道新的事件、新的经验与问题为已任,读者阅读消息,主要目的也在于了解时事,而不是欣赏文笔,因此事实报道完毕,消息就可以结束了。
A. 文学; B. 抒情; C. 信息; [单项选择]施工企业应依法进行工程项目的()活动,并对合同履行情况进行监控。
A. 招标及签约 B. 投标及履约 C. 签约及履约 D. 投标及签约 [单选题]进行井下救援时,可能会需要下列哪项器材?( )
A.消防大斧 B.十字镐 C.铁铤 D.消防镐 [单选题]关于IP FRR保护,以下选项中错误的是()
A.Citrans 680设备,在交叉盘(如SCUO1)状态-->L3FRR状态信息中查看VPNFRR保护状态 B.IPFRR保护出接口端口属性可以是NNI也可以是UNI C.IPFRR保护属于网际保护 D.IPFRR保护中,备用下一条为出接口对端设备接口IP地址 我来回答: 提交