The study of ecology is important for
everyone who cares about our world. Air, water, and land -- we would not live
without any of these. But what do we mean by land It is the earth beneath our
feet, wherever we are. It is mountains and plains. It is wide fields for growing
com and wheat. Or it may be an airfield or a parking lot or a highway or a whole
city -- land covered with cement, asphalt, and buildings. Land is the solid part
of the Earth. Land is the soil plants grow in. That is the most important things about the land -- it is the place where green plants grow. Without green plants there would be not life on Earth. Green leaves make oxygen. All of us -- ants, elephants, people, every living creature -- must have oxygen to stay alive. We breathe in oxygen and our bodies use it. Carbon dioxide is formed in the process A. Humorous. B. Impersonal. C. Indifferent. D. Sentimental. [判断题]电力机车、动车组运行途中发生弓网故障,司机(动车组为随车机械师)确认可换弓运行时,换弓运行;不能继续运行时,请求救援。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]1978年3月,在北京召开了全国科学大会。在参加全国科学大会的5586名代表中,有一位九十高龄的老人,他就是北京矿业学院的副院长、高等教育界和科技界的老一辈教育家和科学家(),他是出席大会年龄最大的代表,方毅副总理专门看望了他。
A. 钟子云 B. 吴秀文 C. 陈民隆 D. 何杰 [单项选择]女性,24岁,葡萄胎刮宫术3个月,血β-HCG12IU/L。对该病例病情判断,下列哪项是错误的()
A. 再次妊娠 B. 葡萄组织宫内残留 C. 绒毛膜癌 D. 侵蚀性葡萄胎 E. 术后血β-HCG正常下降过程 [判断题]扒杆是一种复杂的起重装吊工具,在机械缺乏和工作条件受到限制的地区,常用来升降重物和进行建筑物的安装。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]列车运行是以车站、线路所所划分的区间及自动闭塞区间的( )所划分的闭塞分区作间隔。
A.出站信号机 B.进站信号机 C.通过信号机 D.预告信号机 [单项选择]A. People are discouraged to do business with a lower discount rate.
B. People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is lowered. C. People are encouraged to borrow more money if the discount rate is raised. D. People are discouraged to borrow less money with a lower discount rate. [判断题] (判断题).硼砂煅后无燥湿收敛作用。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]实施治安管理处罚,应当公开、公正,尊重和保障人权,保护公民的人格尊严。
[多选题]锂电池汽车火灾扑救主要存在()、()、爆炸等风险,易造成指战员伤亡。( )
A.触电 B.中毒 C.窒息 D.冲击 [简答题]如何认识“外生生长”与“内生生长”?由前者向后者转变的前提是什么?仅仅由成分过冷因素决定吗?
A.尝试将主手柄置100%牵引位启动列车 B.尝试将主手柄置50%牵引位启动列车 C.申请救援 D.尝试将主手柄置不超过20%牵引位启动列车 [判断题]国家综合性消防救援队伍的内务建设,必须始终聚焦职责使命。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]植物体缺钾时,()部位先表现出缺素症状。
A. 老叶 B. 幼叶 C. 茎 D. 根 [判断题]调度操作命令票的一个操作任务只能包括一个变电站进行的系统操作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]《南京条约》、《马关条约》、《辛丑条约》内容的共同点有()①割占中国领土②清政府巨额赔款③开埠通商④划定使馆界⑤允许在通商口岸租地设厂
A. ② B. ①②③④⑤ C. ①②③④ D. ②③ [填空题] Recently a group of Swedish research scientists carried out a (36) ________ of children’’s attitudes to the future. They worked with 10-and 11-year-old children from ten schools (37) ________ in rural and urban areas all over the whole of Sweden.
There were two main steps of the (38) ________. First, all the children were asked to write an essay on the topic "The Future; 2000 AD". Then the scientists went round to the (39) ________ schools to talk to the children, basing their (40) ________ on the general questions "What problems are we (41) ________ now " and "What will the future be like "
A pattern soon (42) ________. It showed that there was (43) ________ agreement about which problems were important and how the problems should be dealt with. (44)________________ .
(45)________________. Summing up the results of the project, one of its leaders said, "We’’ve obviously got to pay more attention to our children. After all, (46)________________."
[单选题]客户甲2020年11月11日在中国石化加油站通过扫描油滴大使推广码成为油滴会员,客户甲将获得100通用油滴和( )易捷专用油滴奖励。
A. 10个 B. 20个 C. 50个 D. 100个 [单项选择]
某犊牛群中病牛出现食欲不振、腹泻、咳嗽等症状。口腔内有特殊的臭味,血便,后肢无力,站立不稳。饱和盐水漂浮法粪检发现有蜂窝状球形虫卵。该病病原可能是()。 A. 牛弓首蛔虫 B. 捻转血矛线虫 C. 胎生网尾线虫 D. 莫尼茨绦虫 E. 中华歧腔吸虫 [填空题]整流元件最主要的参数有两项:一是其额定电流,二是其()。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]建筑用热轧钢筋是最基础的钢材品种之一,强度是钢筋最基本的性能,为提高抗震性,国内外对钢筋的延性有了新的技术要求。反映在哪些指标方面()。
A. 屈强比 B. 最大拉力下的均匀伸长率 C. 低温延性 [简答题]为什么鲢鳙鱼可以调节水质?
[单选题] 如要关闭工作簿,但不想退出Excel,可以单击( )__
A. “文件”下拉菜单中的“关闭”命令 B. “文件”下拉菜单中的“退出”命令 C. 关闭Excel窗口的按钮 D. “窗口”下拉菜单中的“隐藏”命令 [单项选择]在人身意外伤害保险实务中,保险人区分和把握不可保意外伤害的要点是()。
A. 如果承保,是否将直接影响保险公司的承保质量 B. 如果承保,是否将间接影响保险公司的社会信誉 C. 如果承保,是否将立即影响保险公司的财务稳定 D. 如果承保,是否将损害公众利益或违反法律规定 [单选题]两线间距离小于( )米,不得停留人员和放置机具、材料。
A.4 B.4.5 C.5 D.6.5 [单项选择]What is not usually a concern when loading a single-hulled tanker?()
A. Bending moments B. Initial stability C. Draft D. Trim [判断题]在注册制发行制度下,发行人只要充分披露了有关信息,在注册申报后的规定时间内未被证券监管机构拒绝注册,即可进行证券发行,无须再经过批准。( )
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