Under existing law, a new drug may be
labeled, promoted, and advertised only for those conditions in which safety and
effectiveness have been demonstrated and of which the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) has approved, or socalled "approved uses." Other uses have
come to be called "unapproved uses" and cannot be legally promoted. In a real
sense, the term "unapproved" is a misnomer because it includes in one phrase two
categories of marketed drugs that are very different; drugs which are
potentially harmful and will never be approved, and already approved drugs that
have "unapproved" uses. It is common for new research and new insights to
demonstrate valid new uses for drugs already on the market. Also, there arc
numerous examples of medical progress resulting from the serendipitous
observations and therap A. has been reviewed by the FDA and specifically rejected B. has medical value but has not yet been approved by FDA for inclusion as a labeled use C. is authorized by the label as approved by the FDA on the basis of scientific studies D. is made in experiments designed to determine whether a drug is medically beneficial [单选题]、自动埋弧焊电流为500A~600A时,焊丝直径为2mm的电弧电压是( )
A.30V至34V B.26V至30V C. 、34V至38V [单项选择]Which of the following statements about online bullying is NOT true()
A. It is easy for a teacher to intervene. B. It is difficult to detect. C. It is impossible to monitor. D. It occurs without your knowledge. [单选题]背负式脉冲水枪的有效射程为( )。
A.<3米 B.<5米 C.<7米 D.>10米 [单项选择]建筑业的物质基础是()。
A. 土地 B. 建筑物 C. 建筑材料 D. 原材料 [单选题]计算机硬件由(?)、存储器、输入/输出设备、总线等几大部分组成。?
A.显示器 B.控制器 C.主机 D.CPU [填空题]
A. What about making it a little earlier B. I have no idea. [单选题]按照《中国农业发展银行操作风险管理办法(2016年修订)》的规定,下列选项中,不属于银行操作风险损失的是:( )
A.因内部操作失误,业务人员丢失客户资料造成损失 B.因黑客攻击导致银行系统瘫痪,造成损失 C.因贷款客户违约导致银行损失 D. 因大规模停电使银行不能营业所造成的损失 [简答题]某施工单位承接了一项中继段光缆施工工程,包括利旧管道线路工程、直埋线路及部分架空线路;工程开 工前,设计单位组织相关参建单位共同对施工图设计进行会审,会审中由施工单位的技术员向与会参与单 位说明拟建工程情况和设计要求,会议最终形成记录,由参与单位签字确认后实施。 施工单位在施工前组织相关人员编制了施工组织设计,明确了施工组织结构;安排人员按照批准的设计图 纸,完成了光缆配盘工作,确定了接头点; 在施工直埋光缆线路部分时,因地质条件不具备挖深条件,直埋光缆沟深度不够,施工单位为保护光缆免 于破坏,采取措施进行保护;
[单项选择]下列任务不是网络操作系统的基本任务的是( )。
A. 明确本地资源与网络资源之间的差异 B. 为用户提供各种基本的网络服务功能 C. 管理网络系统的共享资源 D. 提供网络系统的安全服务 [单选题]挖到电缆保护板后,应由( )在场指导,方可继续进行。
A.技术人员 B.工作负责人 C.有经验的人员 D.专业人员 [填空题] 自救是水域事故最快、最稳定、最安全的救援形式。()
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