Here’s some good news for parents of
tweens and teens: You rule. That may be hard to believe sometimes. And it’s true kids won’t always follow your health and safety rules. But studies show parents who keep setting boundaries make a huge difference. The latest example is a survey on media use by the Kaiser Family Foundation. It found that typical kids ages 8 to 18 spend an astonishing 7 hours and 38 minutes a day consuming entertainment media, indulging deeply in TV, computers, games, cellphones, music players and other devices while occasionally glancing at books and other non-electronic media. Many experts, including the pediatrics(小儿科) academy, consider that much screen time bad for mental and physical health. But the study also found that kids whose parents set any time A. A.They cut down on their screen time. B.They appreciated their parents’ love. C.They spent more time staying outdoors. D.They accepted parents’ rules unwillingly. [单选题]试想法显出发时,只有七个和尚结队同行,而走了不久,就有人不胜其苦开了小差,有人病死途中,最后只留下他一人。玄奘也是_____ 深入大戈壁,所谓孙行者、猪八戒、沙和尚等随从人员,那是小说《西游记》中的神话人物,那时既无大队骆驼带了大量清水、食品跟上来,更谈不到汽车飞机来支援,当然就十分困苦了。填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.前呼后拥 B.舍生忘死 C.单枪匹马 D.形单影只 [填空题]浓香型酒中最容易出现的泥臭味主要来自于:( )
A. 叙事散文 B. 杂文 C. 英雄史诗和民间谣曲 D. 骑士文学 E. 市民文学和市民戏剧 [判断题]:并购方与目标企业存在关联关系的,商业银行应当加强贷前调查,了解和掌握并购交易的经济动机、并购双方整合的可行性、协同效应的可能性等相关情况,核实并购交易的真实性以及并购交易价格的合理性,防范关联企业之间利用虚假并购交易套取银行信贷资金的行为
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]一天,小红、小明做完数学题后发现答案不一样。小红说:“如果我的不对,那你的就对了。”小明说:“我看你的不对,我的也不对。”旁边的小刚看了看他们俩人的答案后说:
请问下述说法中哪一个是正确的 ( )
A.小红说的是真话,小明的答案对了 B.小刚说的是真话,小明的答案错了 C.小明说对了,小红和小明的答案都不对 D.小明说错了,小红的答案是对的 [单选题]甲类厂房与重要公共建筑之间的防火间距不应小于()
M. A. 50 B. 80 C. 100 D. 200 [判断题]对于采用附有或有条件的债务重组方式进行的债务重组,债务人应按该重组债务的账面价值减去包含或有支出的未来应付金额的差额,确认债务重组收益;债权人应按不包含或有收益的未来应收金额减去该重组债权的账面价值的差额,确认债务重组损失。( )
[单选题]分解、组装钩舌及其他零部件时,( ),钩舌及配件。
A.允许抛掷 B.禁止抛掷 C.随地抛下 D.禁止敲击 [多选题]导游的哪些信息发生变化后,应当申请变更导游证信息?
A.姓名、身份证号、导游等级和语种等信息发生变化的 B.与旅行社订立的劳动合同解除、终止或者在旅游行业组织取消注册后,在3个月内与其他旅行社订立劳动合同或者在其他旅游行业组织注册的 C.经常执业地区发生变化的 D.户籍信息发生变化的 [单项选择]
Hitchhiking(搭车旅游) When I was in my teens(十几岁) and 20s, hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport. The kindness or curiosity of strangers (51) me all over Europe, North America, Asia and southern Africa. Some of the lift-givers became friends, many provided hospitality (52) the road. Not only did you find out much more about a country than (53) traveling by train or plane, but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night. Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture. It has books and songs about it. So what has happened to (54) A. discussions B. debates C. consultations D. lessons [单项选择]急性扁桃体炎,其假膜的描述。正确的是()
A. 不超出扁桃体范围,易擦去,不易出血。 B. 不超出扁桃体范围、易擦去,下面有溃疡。 C. 超出扁桃体范围,不易擦去,强剥易出血。 D. 超出扁桃体范围,易擦去,易出血。 E. 超出扁桃体范围,易擦去,不易出血。 我来回答: 提交