In recent years many countries of the
world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more
productive. Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied. But do
more varied jobs lead to greater productivity The evidence shows that while
variety certainly makes the worker’s life more enjoyable, it does not actually
make him work harder. As far as increasing productivity is concerned, then,
variety is not an important factor. Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important. There is no doubt that this is true. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus, although freedom of choice may be important, usually very little can be done to create it. Another important considera A. there are no ways to make workers more productive B. workers want more variety, freedom and money, but shorter working time and less contribution C. variety, freedom, contribution, more money and shorter working time seem possible factors leading to greater productivity, actually they are not or they are impossible D. it is impossible to make workers work more productively, because the work they do is so boring [单项选择]
Chocolate to Live For! A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2003 reported that dark chocolate may lower your blood pressure. Researchers at the University of Cologne studied men and women who were recently diagnosed with mild high blood pressure. Half were given 100g (fabout 3.5 ounces) of dark chocolate per day and half were given white chocolate. After only two weeks systolic (收缩的) blood pressure decreased on average by five points and diastolic (以及舒张的) blood pressure by two points in those consuming dark chocolate, but not those consuming white chocolate. In a similar study, researchers from Italy reported in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension that 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate for one week lowered systolic blood pressure by 12 points and diastolic blood pressure by 8.5 points when blood pressure was monitored continuously for 24 hours. Insulin (胰岛素) sensitivity and LDL cholestero A. it increases the production of nitric oxide. B. it increases blood flow to the penis and enhances eruptions. C. it lowers both systolic and diastolic blood pressures. D. it helps to repair damage to blood vessels in the body. [多选题]在三警协同控制过程中我方的站位方式主要有()。
A.前、侧以及后方接近控制 B.只要能够控制对方任意站位均可以 C.侧、后方接近控制 D.我方警察站成一排 [判断题] 空气压缩机是将电动机输出的机械能转变为气体的压力能的能量转换装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]一健康婴儿,体重4.5kg,前囟1.5cm×1.5cm,后囟0.2cm,能微笑,头不能竖立,最可能的年龄是()
A. 1月以内 B. 1~2个月 C. 3~4个月 D. 5~6个月 E. 7~8个月 [简答题]什么是电网?什么是电力系统?
[单选题] 光电缆线路标桩的埋设位置一般不选择在( )。
A.拐弯、接头处 B.沟、涵上下坡视地形而定 C.过轨 D.路边 [判断题]62.对于采取后续风险化解措施后因经济下行等客观原因风险情况恶化,后续风险化解相关责任人尽职操作的,可予以免责。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列()方法可以实现在Word中拆分窗口
A. “窗口/拆分”命令 B. “工具/拆分”命令 C. 双击水平滚动条右端的拆分块 D. 双击垂直滚动条顶端的拆分块 [单选题]生产经营单位应当在对重大危险源进行安全评估后( )日内,依照有关规定将重大危险源登记建档情况报县级以上人民政府安全生产监督管理部门和其他有关部门备案。
A.5 B.7 C.9 [单项选择]下列属于光合作用和有氧呼吸相同点的是()①在光下进行②需要酶催化③产生ATP④需要氧气
A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ①④ [多选题]学习策略的特点有( )。
A.操作性和监控性的有机统一 B.外显性和内隐性的有机统一 C.主动性和迁移性的有机统一 D.主动性和被动性的有机统一 E.操作性和监控性的对立 [简答题]焊接时二氧化碳气流保护层遭到破坏易产生氮气孔。
A. 一年中计息次数越多,其终值就越大 [单项选择]人事领导体制中领导和被领导的关系属于( )。
A. 所有者和经营者的关系 B. 经营者和执行者、作业者的关系 C. 领导体制中的正职和副职 D. 所有者和社会机关的关系 [填空题]坡口角度在焊接过程中的作用主要是保证焊透及()等。
A. 城隆庙 B. 关帝庙 C. 下海庙 D. 小桃园 E. 海上白云观 F. 钦赐仰殿道观 [判断题]、Windows XP系统中,将文件放入回收站后,还可以回收站中的文件进行恢复。(易)(基础知识)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]问题同上
[单选题]保险市场的保险主体是指( )。
A.投保人、保险人和被保险人 B.投保人、保险人和保险中介人 C.保险人、受益人和被保险人 D.投保人、保险人和保险商品 [单选题]家庭用户的单宽转融主要受理渠道为( )。
A.实体渠道 B.外呼渠道 C.智家工程师 D.以上都是 [单选题]防护网安装位置为运行方向( )车门处。
A.右侧(非会车侧) B.左侧(会车侧) C.右侧(会车侧) D.左侧(非会车侧) [简答题]癌细胞放射治疗后的改变有哪些?
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