Suddenly Lady Windermere looked eagerly
round the room, and said, in her clear contralto voice, "Where is my
chiromantist " "Your what, Gladys " exclaimed the Duchess, trying to remember what a chiromantist really was, and hoping it was not the same as a chiropodist. "My chiromantist, Duchess: I can’t live without him at present. I must certainly introduce him to you." "Introduce him!" cried the Duchess. "You don’t mean to say he is here " She began looking about for a small tortoiseshell fan and a very tattered lace shawl so as to be ready to go at a moment’s notice. "Of course he is here: I would not dream of giving a party without him. He tells me I have a pure psychic hand." "Oh, I see!" said the Duchess, feeling very much relieved. "He tells fortunes, I suppose " "And misfortunes, too," answered Lady Win A. Her subjective attitude toward fortune telling. B. Her desire to impress the Duchess. C. Her inability to separate reality from fantasy. D. Her respect for the accuracy of Mr. Podger’s fortune-telling. [单项选择]关于班氏丝虫发病的主要机制,错误的是()
A. 与血中微丝蚴密切相关 B. 继发细菌感染 C. 由成虫引起 D. 病变的发展与丝虫的种类有关 E. 免疫机制 [多选题]SSDG型电力机车一系弹簧装置由( )等组成。
A.橡胶弹簧 B.轴箱拉杆 C.弹簧 D.减振器 [判断题]汽车火灾要坚持“救人第一”的指导思想,积极疏散抢救人员
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列平衡方法不能完全平衡轴向推力的为()。
A. 平衡孔法 B. 平衡盘法 C. 平衡鼓法 D. 对称布置叶轮法 [单项选择]按照计入指数的项目多少不同,指数分为()。
A. 加权指数和简单指数 B. 简单指数和综合指数 C. 个体指数和综合指数 D. 质量指数和数量指数 [单选题]为防止计算机病毒的传播,在读取外来U盘上的数据或软件时,____。
A.一般先检查本机的硬盘有无计算机病毒,然后再读该U盘 B.应把U盘加以写保护(只允许读,不允许写),然后再用 C.一般先用查毒软件检查该U盘有无计算机病毒,然后再用 D.一般不会传染病毒,所以不必做任何工作就可用 [单项选择]运钞途中如发现前方有路障不能通行,运钞车()。
A. 应强行通过,确保按时到达目的地 B. 指派一名押运人员下车查看 C. 选择合适地点停车等待 D. 熄火做好防范准备 [单选题]上升极限位置限制器规定在额定速度下,吊钩离极限位置不小于( )处应停止上升动作。
A.50毫米 B.80毫米 C.100毫米 [单项选择]积聚与痞满的鉴别要点是
A. 有无胀痛 B. 有无刺痛 C. 有无包块 D. 有无便秘 E. 有无压痛 我来回答: 提交