"Cool" is a word with many meanings.
Its traditional meaning is used to {{U}} (36) {{/U}}a temperature that is
fairly cold. As the world has {{U}} (37) {{/U}}, however, the word has
expanded to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}many different meanings.
"Cool" can be used to express feelings of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}in almost
anything. When you see a brand-new car in the street, maybe you can’t help{{U}}
(40) {{/U}}, "It’s cool." You might think, "He’s so cool," when you
see your{{U}} (41) {{/U}}footballer. We all enlarge the
meaning of "cool". You can use it{{U}} (42) {{/U}}many words such as
"new" or "amazing." Here’s an interesting story we can see{{U}} (43)
{{/U}}illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to{{U}}
(44) {{/U}}the waterfall they had visited. On one stude A. cool B. easy C. difficult D. important
[多选题] 在交通事故处理过程中,民警要善于运用有利于解决矛盾的外部力量,促使和推动事故当事人接受公安机关作出的处理决定在交通事故处理中可以借助的外部力量主要有( ) A. 村镇、社区、当事人所在单位等基层组织 B. 事故当事人的亲属、朋友或同事 C. 司法机构 D. 保险机构
Many animals engage in play,but homo sapiens is the only animal (1) have invented sports.Since sports are an invention,a part of culture (2) than an aspect of nature,all definitions of sports are somewhat arbitrary. (3) sports are a human universal found in every known culture or a (4) unique to modern society depends upon one’s definition of sports.Men and (5) have always run,jumped,climbed,lifted,thrown, and wrestled,but they have (6) always performed these physical activities competitively. Although all literate societies seem to (7) contests of one sort or another in which men, and sometimes women, (8) in displays and tests of physical skill and prowess,sports may be (9) defined as physical contests performed for their own sake and not for (10) ulterior end.According to this strict definition,neither Neolithic hunters nor contestants (11) religious ceremonies such as the ancient Olympic Games
[判断题]隧道监控量测的选测项目是通过对围岩及支护结构的受力、内力、应变,围岩内部位移等进行监测,以把握围岩的稳定性和支护效果,是必测项目的扩展和补充。() A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]根据《民用航空安全检查工作手册》第5条,民航安检机构具备民航局规定的运行条件后,方可()民航安检工作。 A.监督 B.组织 C.检查 D.开展
[判断题]不得安排有职业禁忌的劳动者从事其所禁忌的作业。 A.正确 B.错误
[判断题]1298. ( )顶驱型号为DQ-60D和DQ-60P的顶驱系统SCR传动柜输入电压为600 V直流电。 A.正确 B.错误
[多选题]《民法典》中的哪些术语包含本数 A.以上 B.以下 C.以内 D.以外 E.略 F.略
[单选题]不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti表示平均含碳量为( ) 。 A.0.9×10-2 B.2×10-2 C.1×10-2 D.0.1×10-2
[单选题]需要变更工作班成员时,应经( )同意,在对新的作业人员进行安全交底手续后,方可进行工作。 A.A.工作许可人 B.B.工作负责人 C.C.工作票签发人 D. E.略 F.略
[单项选择]失神的表现提示 A. 虽病而精气未伤,属病轻 B. 正气不足,神气不旺 C. 正气大伤,精气亏虚,属病重 D. 虚阳外越,属病危
[单项选择]腮腺肿瘤最常见的是() A. 黏液表皮样癌 B. 多形性腺瘤 C. Warthin瘤 D. 腺样囊性癌
[简答题]岩屑录井采集项目包括:层位、井段、岩性定名、岩性及含油气描述、________岩屑占岩屑百分含量等。(出自Q/SY 128-2020)
[单选题]各单位在水的使用过程中,严格执行工艺技术操作规程和用水定额标准,提高循环使用率,减少( )排放。 A.废水 B.污水 C.水 D.用水
[单选题]单选题:所有岗位交接班时要( )交接,保持良好形象。 A.按岗位 B.按班组 C.面对面 D.双人
[简答题]( )设施用于泄压的阀门、爆破片、放空管等设施,用于止逆的阀门等设施,真空系统的密封设施。
[单选题]超声波在有机玻璃中的纵波声速为( )。 A.2730m/s B.5900m/s C.3230m/s D.6250m/s
[单项选择]急性前壁心肌梗死最常见的心律失常是() A. 室性早搏及室性心动过速 B. 房室传导阻滞 C. 房性早搏 D. 室上性心动过速 E. 心房颤动
[单选题]白葡萄酒在服务时应倒入杯子的______。 A.0.5 B.0.33333333333333 C.0.66666666666667 D.以上全可以
[单选题]3. Frankfurt, Germany, is one of the most _____ populated regions of Western Europe. A.densely B.vastly C.enormously D.largely
[单选题]25岁初产妇孕足月,1年前有流产史,胎儿顺利娩出4分钟后,出现阴道暗红色间歇流血,约100ml,首先应考虑的原因是 A.颈管裂伤 B.阴道静脉破裂 C.血凝障碍 D.胎盘嵌顿 E.正常位置胎盘剥离
[填空题] “辅助”冷却器受主变上层油温和主变高压侧负荷电流控制,当主变上层油温任一温度≥65℃或者主变高压侧负荷电流≥0.6IN时,“( )”冷却器自动投入运行
[判断题]机动车涉及道路交通安全违法行为和交通事故未处理完毕的,可以核发检验合格标志。 A.正确 B.错误
[单项选择]企业发行股票,其发行价格高于股票面值的溢价部分作为企业的股东权益,按税法规定,该部分收入( )。 A. 不征收企业所得税 B. 征收企业所得税 C. 作为企业的营业利润 D. 企业清算时计算缴纳所得税
[不定项选择题]A.培养健全人格,锻炼应对能力,获取社会支持 A.药物治疗 B.病情变化与心理社会因素有关 C.心身相结合的原则 D.心理治疗 E.心身疾病的治疗原则是
[单项选择]散剂易() A. 发霉、虫蛀 B. 吸湿、风化 C. 糖结晶析出 D. 结块、发霉 E. 粘连、软化
[单选题]下列说法中,()是不正确的。 A.使用打印机要安装打印驱动程序 B.打印机种类很多,有激光打印机、喷墨打印机、针式打印机等 C.目前针式打印机已经被淘汰 D.打印机的性能指标之一是打印速度
[单项选择]高速公路上行车,如果因疏忽驶过出口,应怎样做? A. 在原地倒车驶回 B. 继续向前行驶,寻找下一个出口 C. 立即停车 D. 在原地掉头
[单项选择]患者女,40岁。大面积银汞合金充填,近中食物嵌塞,余牙正常,要求治疗。如果此牙牙髓健康,颊舌侧剩余牙体硬组织较薄弱,则最佳的治疗设计() A. 全冠修复 B. 嵌体冠修复 C. 去髓后桩冠修复 D. 3/4冠修复 E. 金瓷冠修复
[单项选择]Born on July 31,1965, in Gloucestershire, England, Joanne Kathleen Rowling grew up in rural communities in the southwestern part of that country. Rowling’s childhood experiences (67) her future literary creations. She explored the English countryside, visiting (68) and historical sites which inspired her (69) . Although she disliked science and mathematics courses, Rowling (70) in literature classes. She penned funny, fantastical tales to (71) her sister Diana and friends, (72) the Potter siblings whose name she later (73) for her wizardry novels.A. settings B. sites C. scenes D. backgrounds
[单选题]在土质松软处挖坑,应采取加挡板、撑木等防止()的措施。 A.塌方 B.落物 C.触电 D.溺水
[多项选择]下列结果不做经济损益分析的生态影响有( )。 A. 土地理化性质发生不可逆转的变化 B. 物种灭绝 C. 相对同质 D. 生物量减少 E. 物种多样性减少
[判断题]企业资产评估,可以由其产权持有单位自行评估,也可以委托具有相应资质的资产评估机构进行评估。 ( )
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