Text 1 Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in robotics — the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close. As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much hum an labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at auto A. expected to copy human brain in internal structure B. able to perceive abnormalities immediately C. far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information D. best used in a controlled environment [多选题]同步发电机的运行特性,一般指( )特性。
A.空载特性; B.短路特性 ; C.负载特性; D.调整特性。 [判断题]感测与识别技术包括对信息的编码、压缩、加密等。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
患者男性,62岁。上腹部剧痛2小时,出大汗,面色苍白,血压80/60mmHg,急诊入院。诊断为:胃穿孔、脑膜炎。行胃切除术,胃空肠吻合术。既往否认有慢性病史。术后第三天忽然呼吸困难,血压:100/70mmHg,呼吸:36次/分,脉搏:136次/分。给予吸氧4-5L/分,SaO2仅在85%左右,呼吸困难渐加重,呼吸次数达40次/分,末梢四肢紫绀。床边胸片:双肺散在小斑片影。血气分析:PH:7.44,PCO2:34mmHg,PO2:43mmHg,心电图:窦速,ST-T改变。 ARDS的发病机制虽然错踪复杂,但其发生与发展与众多的细胞因子或炎性介质的综合作用是密切相关的。提问:其中SIRS失控引发MODS发病机制有哪些进展() A. 促炎症细胞因子(PIC)学说 B. 二次打击学说和联(瀑布)效应学说 C. 肠粘膜屏障衰竭与细菌移位 D. 氧供和氧耗问题 E. 全身炎症反应综合征与代偿性抗炎症反应综合征 F. ALI与细胞凋亡 [单选题]46.绝缘靴、绝缘手套等安全用品,应( )进行一次绝缘耐压试验,并存放在阴凉干燥、防尘处所。
A.一个月 B.三个月 C.半年 D.一年 [单项选择]肝硬化腹水患者出现心悸,呼吸困难,巩膜黄染,神智迟钝,为减少腹水选用()
A. 氢氯噻嗪 B. 放腹水 C. 呋塞米 D. 螺内酯 E. 氨茶碱 [单选题]工作票只能延期( )。
A.一次 B.两次 C.三次 D.四次 [单选题]育婴师( ),才能将长短期目标在一日教学活动中合理整合。
A.只有把握近期目标 B.要把握整体 C.只有把握每天的单元活动 D.只有把握好活动题目 我来回答: 提交