Yet with economies in free fall,
managers also need up-to-date information about what is happening to their
businesses, so that they can change course rapidly if necessary. Cisco, an
American network-equipment giant, has invested over many years in the technology
needed to generate such data. Frank Calderoni, the firm’s CFO, says that every
day its senior executives can track exactly what orders are coming in from sales
teams around the world, and identify emerging trends in each region and market
segment. And at the end of each month, the firm can get reliable financial
results within four hours of closing its books. Most firms have to wait days or
even weeks for such certainty. Admittedly, Cisco’s financial results have not made happy reading recently because, in common with many other large technology companies, it ha A. It did not issue first-quarter forecast for great decrease in January. B. Inters chain store used to report sales estimates by year. C. Only retailers and chipmakers are greatly influenced. D. Intel’s profit was greatly decreased in 2008’s last quarter. [判断题]电液转辙机具有力矩大,传动平稳、均匀、易于控制、机械磨耗小等优点。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]控制中心设置一套媒体网关ZXMSG 9000 MT64,用于与市话网和专用无线通信系统的互连互通。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]防雷装置的引下线一般采用圆钢或扁钢,如用钢绞线,其截面积不应小于( )m㎡。
A.25 B.35 C.50 [单项选择]患者,男。胸前虚里处疼痛,痛连左手臂及小指,其病位当在
A. 肺 B. 胃 C. 心 D. 肝 E. 肾 [单选题]在室外构架上作业时,在邻近可能误登的构架上应悬挂“( )”的安全标志牌。
A.禁止攀登,高压危险! B.止步,高压危险! C.从此进出! D.从此上下! [判断题]自制硝铵炸药的硝酸铵会分解出明显的氨水味。
A. 引导区型病毒 B. 文件型病毒 C. 混合型病毒 D. 附件型病毒 [单项选择]在治疗过程中,精神分析理论首先推崇的原则是( )。
A. 系统化 B. 个别化 C. 多样化 D. 普遍化 [单项选择]
七岁女孩,反复右上腹痛2年,偶有面色变黄,查体:右上腹可触及一囊性肿物,界限清,活动可。 首选的辅助检查是( )A. 上消化道造影 B. CT C. B超 D. 血生化检查 E. 经皮肝穿活检 [填空题] 催化剂的生焦量与进料流量( ).( ).( )等有关 。
A. G00或G01 B. G02或G03 C. G01或G03 D. G01或G02 [单选题]接续电缆的步巡周期为( )个月。
A.1 B.2 C.6 D.12 [单选题]极化时间最短的是( )。
A.电子式极化 B.离子式极化 C.偶极式极化 D.夹层式极化 [单选题]3.343.第343题
光伏逆变器应牢固的安装在通风良好的场所,并避开高温、淋雨的地方,以提高使用寿命。 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]尽管白天阳光有时不能照到房间里,但房间仍然很亮,其主要原因是( )。
A.光的衍射 B.光的反射 C.光的放射 D.光的折射 我来回答: 提交