Hazardous products are being pushed on
the Third World in increasing volume. There are many examples of these:
pharmaceutical (处方的) drugs, contraceptives (避孕药) and pesticides banned years ago
in Europe, America, or Japan but sold by companies of these same countries to
the Third World; cigarettes with a far higher tar(焦油) and nicotine contents than
in the rich countries. The health effects on Third World peoples are
terrible. The hazardous technologies and products imported from the industrialized countries often displace local technologies and products that may be more appropriate to meet the production and consumption needs of the Third World. Labor intensive technologies that provide employment for the community and are in harmony with the environment are replaced with capital intensive modern technologies that in man A. It makes it possible to grow more crops. B. It is useful but sometimes causes problems. C. It can solve the food shortage problem. D. It costs a lot but worth the effort. [填空题]CH50是测定_________,APH50是反映_________。
A.值班调控人员 B.工作票签发人 C.工作许可人 D.运维人员 [单选题]静态检测是指利用运行检测车辆在接触网( )下进行的非接触式测量,或人工使用仪器、工具测量接触网的技术状态。
A.动作状态 B.静止状态 C.运行状态 D.使用状态 [单项选择]下面的误差哪一个不属于抽样误差()。
A. 随机误差 B. 抽样框误差 C. 回答误差 D. 无回答误差 [简答题]福州地铁1号线火灾联动最高等级为下列哪项?(___)。
A. 太白星 B. 启明星 C. 长庚 [判断题]接入信息内外网的计算机要统一安装企业版防病毒软件和桌面终端管理系统,桌面终端管理系统按照《国家电网公司信息内网计算机桌面终端系统管理规定》设置管理策略。严禁卸载公司统一安装的软件,严禁安装未经公司许可的软件。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]同一介质上的会计档案有不同保管期限的,应按( )期限进行保管。
A.最短 B.最长√ C.平均 [判断题]在注册制下,证券监管当局必须对实质性内容进行审查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]可促进胆囊收缩和胰酶分泌的胃肠激素是()
A. 促胃液素 B. 缩胆囊素 C. 促胰液素 D. 抑胃肽 E. 促胃动素 我来回答: 提交