女,34岁,G3P0。既往月经规律,5~6天/30天,有继发不孕史6年,现停经10周。盆腔检查:子宫妊娠10周大小、质软,左侧附件区可触及8cm×7cm×6cm大小的囊性肿物,界限清楚。B超提示:宫内早孕,左附件区8cm×8cm×7cm大小的无回声,可见内生乳头。血清CA125 45U/ml,β-HCG 8万 U/L。 |
Questions 11~15
For one brief moment in April, Larry Ellison came within a few dollars of being the richest man in the world. The computer tycoon was holding a global conference call on a Wednesday morning, when the value of his company surged. It was the moment he almost overtook Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, as the wealthiest on the planet. For a few seconds, as share of traders marked Microsoft down and Oracle up, Ellison came within US $ 200,000 of Gates. The self-proclaimed "bad boy" of Silicon Valley found himself worth more than US $ 52 billion, up from a mere US $10 billion this time last year. Then Microsoft’s share price, which had plunged in recent weeks, recovered and the moment passed. Once, Ellison, founder of the software company Oracle, would have danced around his desk cursing like a pirate at fa A. (A) A Gulfstream V jet. B. (B) A Marchetti fighter. C. (C) A Poesche Boxster. D. (D) A Russian Mig-29 fighter. [单选题]施工单位应当将()及审核、专家论证、交底、现场检查、验收及整改等相关资料纳入档案管理。
A.一般施工方案 B.项目管理实施规划 C.特殊施工方案 D.专项施工方案 [简答题] A Reply to a Birthday Invitation
A.断开 B.放电 C.试验接线 D.接地线 E.略 F.略 [单选题]CTT4000系统( )板件不能在网管上复位。
A..MPU B.ALC C.DTU D.DDU [单选题]下列不属于食品危害的是( )。
A.微生物危害 B.假冒食品 C.化学危害 D.营养过剩危害 [判断题]工作许可人确认由其负责的安全措施正确实施。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]装饰砼饰面墙体()。
A. 清水砼 B. 露骨砼 C. C、B都对 D. 以上都不对 我来回答: 提交