This is the weather Scobie loves. Lying in bed he touches his telescope lovingly, turning a wistful eye on the blank wall of rotting mud-bricks which shuts off his view of the sea. Scobie is getting on for seventy and still afraid to die; his one fear is that he will awake one morning and find himself dead- Lieutenant-Commander Scobie, O. B. E. Consequently it gives him a severe shock every morning when the water-carriers shriek under his window before dawn, waking him up. For a moment, he says, he dares not open his eyes. Keeping them fast shut for fear they might open on the heavenly host he gropes along the cake-stand beside his bed and grabs his pipe. It is always loaded from the night before and an open matchbox stands beside it. The first whiff of tobacco restores both his composure and his eyesight. He breathes deeply, grateful for reassurance. He smiles. He gloats. Then, drawing the heavy sheepskin which serves him as a bed-cover up to his ears, he sings a little triumpha
A. delighted with his success in surviving the night
B. delightful because of his achievement in living
C. satisfied with his victory over life
D. satisfying with his victory over death
Many years (Example:{{U}} (0)
{{/U}}) , life was {{U}} (41) {{/U}} than it is today. People didn’t
have modem machines. There was no modem medicine, {{U}} (42) {{/U}}
. Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution ( 污染 ). Water pollution has {{U}} (43) {{/U}} our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills fish and affects( 影响 )our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and {{U}} (44) {{/U}} . Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. It affects {{U}} (45) {{/U}} living thing in the world. Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Many countries are making laws(法律) to stop pollution. Factories, must from now on, clean their water {{U}} (46) {{/U}} away, they mustn’t sent out dirty smoke into the air. We need to [多选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统客户身份识别和客户身份资料及交易记录保存管理管理办法)》规定,有效证件包括( )"
A.中国公民居民身份证或临时身份证 B.港澳居民往来内地通行证 C.外国公民护照或外国人永久居留证 D.机动车驾驶证" [单选题]降雪减弱,除雪融冰效果明显的,可逐步放开分流点、打开沿线站口,但继续保持对( )禁行的管控措施。如果降雪停止,且预警解除、路面积雪结冰完全清除的,可取消管制措施,恢复正常通行。
A.客运车和危险品车 B.摩托车 C.救护车 D.消防车 [单选题]下列有关传染性非典型肺炎的预防不正确的一项是
A.按甲类传染病进行隔离治疗和管理 B.对于密切接触者,要隔离观察1周 C.目前尚无效果肯定的预防药物 D.治疗患者体温正常1周后可考虑出院 E.医院应建立发热门诊 [填空题]在计算机/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/目录中有以下文件,运行某命令可以启动网络,该命令是 (9) ,其命令参数是 (10) 。
ifcfg-eth0 ifup ifup-sit ifcfg-lo ifup-aliases ifup-s1 ifdown ifup-cipcb ifup-wireless ifdown-aliases ifup-ippp init,ipv6-global ifdown-cipcb ifup-ipv6 network-functions ifdown-ippp ifup-ipx network-functions-ipv6 ifdown-ipv6 ifup-isdn ifdown-isdn ifup-plip ifdown-post ifup-plusb ifdown-ppp ifup-post ifdown-sit ifup-ppp ifdown-s1 ifup-routes [单选题]利用口笛显示停车信号时,鸣示方式为( )。
A.连续长声 B.连续短声 C.二长三短声 D.三长三短声 [单选题]其他行政机关冻结存款等,情况复杂的,经行政机关负责人批准,可以延长,但是延长期限不得超过( )。法律另有规定的除外。
A.十五日 B.三十日 C.半年 D.一年 [判断题]A商品降价会引起其替代性商品B销量的增加。
A.地下水量均衡法 B.地下水流解析法 C.地下水溶质运移解析法 D.地下水数值模型 [单项选择]治疗血瘀型经间期出血,首选方剂为()
A. 逐瘀止血汤 B. 桃红四物汤 C. 桂枝茯苓丸 D. 通窍活血汤 E. 血府逐瘀汤 我来回答: 提交