It is not forbidden to dream of
building a better world, which is by and large what the social sciences try to
help us to do. How to make cities more harmonious, reduce crime rates, improve
welfare, overcome racism, increase our wealth—this is the stuff of social
sciences. The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often
dismissed as being too theoretical, too ambitious or too unpalatable. The
methods of research are also often attacked for their lack of rigor, and critics
are quick to point out that the people who make the important decisions pay
little attention to what social scientists have to say anyway. This would change
if the social sciences made themselves more relevant and ready for the society
of the 21st century. Social sciences began to take shape in the 19th century, but came into their own at the beg A. believes that the social sciences have become unimportant and unnecessary. B. believes that the social sciences are faced with too many problems. C. speculates that the future of the social sciences may be better. D. considers the social sciences hostile to progress. [判断题]经济资本能够用于弥补银行的预期损失和非预期损失。()
A. 张择端 B. 赵孟頫 C. 徐渭 D. 唐寅 [填空题]下面运行程序后,单击命令按钮,输出的结果是【 】。
Private Sub Command1_Click( )
Dim a%(1 To 4),b%(3 To 6),i%,s1#,s2#
For i=1 To 4
a(i) =i
Next i
For i=3 To 6
b(i) =i
Next i
End Sub
Function YAS(a( )As Integer)
Dim t#,i%
For i=LBound(A) To UBound(A)
t=t * a(i)
Next i
End Function
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车站值班站长决策站厅付费区、站厅非付费区客流控制启用,车站站长决策出入口客流控制启用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]影响纸色谱分离的主要因素是
A. 分离因子 B. 比表面积 C. 介电常数 D. 熔距 E. 比旋光度 [单选题]吊钩的危险断面磨损量达原尺寸()时,则该吊钩应报废。
A.0.03 B.0.05 C.0.1 D.0.15 [单选题]评定优秀基层干部,由()级单位政治机关审批
A.大队、支队 B.队站、大队 C.队站 D.总队 [单选题]单位定期存款在存期内按照( )挂牌公告的相应档次利率计付利息,遇利率调整,不分段计息。
A.存入日 B.到期日 C.支取日 D.转存日 [简答题]什么情况下将引起快切装置闭锁单操功能?
A.春节 B.夏季 C.秋季 D.冬季 [单选题]负有事故主要责任的,承担事故直接经济损失费用的( )以上。
A.80﹪ B.70﹪ C.60﹪ D.50﹪ E.略 F.略 [单项选择]产生民族压迫的根源是()
A. 民族差异 B. 民族运动 C. 政治国家 D. 剥削制度 [单项选择]Time for another global-competitiveness alert. In the Third International Mathematics and Science Study--which last year tested a half-million students in 41 countries- American eighth graders 21 below the world average in math. And that’s not even 22 part. Consider this as you try to 23 which countries will dominate the technology markets of the 21st century: the top 10 percent of America’s math students scored about the same as the average kid in the global 24 , Singapore.
It isn’t exactly a news flash these days 25 Americans score behind the curve on international tests. But educators say this study is 26 because it monitored variables both inside and outside the classroom. Laziness- the factor often 27 for Americans’ poor performance--is not the culprit here. American students 28 spend more time in class than pupils in Japan and Germany. 29 , they get more homework and watch the same amount of TV. The problem, educators say, is not the kids but a curriculum t
A. easy B. small C. short D. poor [单选题]根据《江西省高速集团收费站收费应急处置预案》规定,定额票、零钞,满足( )天车流量的用量。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多项选择]在实行现场管制时,人民警察可以采取必要手段强行驱散聚集人群,并将拒不服从的人员( )。
A. 立即予以拘留 B. 立即予以逮捕 C. 强行带离现场 D. 予以制服和杀伤 我来回答: 提交