The earth is witnessing an urban
revolution, as people worldwide crowd into towns and cities. In 1800 only
five percent of the world’s population were urban dwellers; now the proportion
has risen to more than forty-five percent, and by the year 2010 more people will
live in towns and cities than in the countryside. Humanity will, for the first
time, have become a predominantly urban species. Though the world is getting more crowded by the day, absolute numbers of population are less important than where people concentrate and whether these areas can cope with them. Even densities, however, tell us nothing about the quality of the infrastructure’-roads, housing and job creation, for example--or the availability of crucial services. The main question, then, is not how many people there are in a given area, but how well their A. has risen to around forty percent in the last 200 years B. will have risen to more than fifty percent by the year 2010 C. has risen by forty-five percent since 1800 D. will five in cities for The first time [单项选择]Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the two questions. Now listen to the news.Which of the following was NOT true according to the news
A. Israel is optimistic about U.S. -sponsored peace talks. B. The UN Security Council did not agree on a presidential statement condemning the Jerusalem attack. C. Spokesman of Israeli Foreign Ministry said Israel would not tolerate terrorism. D. Witness said the gunman committed suicide after the killing. [多选题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司关于重新印发<中国铁路上海局集团有限公司高速铁路突发事件应急预案>的通知》(上铁运〔2018〕525号)规定:应急处置、抢险救援人员,可搭乘( )赶赴现场。
A.机车 B.轨道车 C.动车组 D.任何列车 [填空题]依据《国家电网公司客户服务中心服务公约手册》,()指采用恰当的沟通方式, 通过倾听、提问、引导、理解和反馈,准确、高效、顺畅地传递信息, 是我们应掌握的服务技能,是实现()的途径。
[单选题]某砂浆配合比,每立方米砂浆中水泥用量250kg,石灰膏用量100kg,砂子用量1350kg,用水量230kg,实测砂浆的表观密度1990kg/m³,砂浆校正后水泥用量最接近( )kg。
A.A、250 B.B、260 C.C、265 D.D、270 [多选题](第三十九条)摘下的马蜂窝、虫巢等应:( )。
A.在合适安全的位置用火焚烧、水淹。 B.或用蛇皮袋等牢固包装材料密闭包装转移掩埋。 C.密闭包装原则上不得开启,必须开启时应确认内部蜂虫全部灭杀,并做好个人防护和灭杀准备。 D.禁止带回营区逗弄、玩耍、取蜜等。 E.可心带回营区泡酒制作药酒。 [简答题]FAS主机上复位按钮主要功能。
[简答题] 写出下述反应的方程式: (1)Ca与二甲基汞的反应; (2)四甲基四锂与三苯基氯硅烷在乙醚中的反应; (3)三甲基硅烷HSi(CH3)3与乙烯在氯铂酸异丙醇溶液中的反应。
[单项选择]某化妆品厂将其生产的化妆品作为福利发给本厂职工,该类产品无同类消费品销售价格,生产成本为12000元,成本利润率为5%,化装品适用的消费税税率为30%,则该厂应缴纳的消费税为( )元。
A. 3600 B. 2907.69 C. 3780 D. 5400 [判断题]遇列车空调故障时,运行途中劝阻旅客不在连接处停留,临时停车严禁旅客下车。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交