Text 2 Naturalism is the view that the "natural" universe, the universe of matter and energy, is all that there really is. By ruling out a spiritual part of the human person which might survive death and a (god who might resurrect the body, naturalism also rules out survival after death. In addition, naturalism denies human freedom on the grounds that every event must be explainable by deterministic natural laws. It denies any absolute values because it can find no grounds for such values in a world made up only of matter and energy. And finally, naturalism denies that the universe has any meaning or purpose because there is no God to give it a meaning or purpose, and nothing else which can give it a meaning or purpose. Anyone who accepts the first three denials, of God, spiritual beings, and immortality, might be called a naturalist in the broad sense, and anyone who adds to these the denial of freedom, values, and purpose might be labeled a naturalist in the st
A. disapproving,
B. puzzled.
C. content.
D. appreciative.
You are going to read a list of headings and a text about image and behind it. Choose the most suitable from the list A—F for each numbered paragraph (41—45). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.
[A] The important role of image is particularly evident in the business world.
[B] In the long run image keep the same wavelength with the substance and fact.
[C] In the long term the singnificance of image wanes considerably.
[D] The growing singnificance of image is also evident in the political realm, when it comes to presidential Politics.
[E] Bad image, however, can make the situation from bad to worse.
[F] Image is becoming increasingly the centre of attention.
Has creating an image become more important in our society than the r
Edward was hired to write a story for a
television program. According to standard practice, be was hired to write an
outline(提纲) for a story first. If the outline was accepted, he would be hired to
go on and write up the story. He wrote the outline, and then rewrote it, under the direction of a producer who was also the wife of the managing producer. He followed her instructions strictly and, when he finished, waited anxiously to hear if he would be hired to write up the story. One usually gets this news very quickly, because hour-long television shows in a series (连续剧) are produced at the rate of one every eight days, and producers start running out of stories after the first few weeks of the {{U}}season{{/U}}. So, accepted outlines are rushed to the next stage. Strangely, however, he heard A. Edward thought they should not divorce. B. Edward didn’t expect the divorce could affect the writing of the story. C. Edward had no idea why Ozzie and Harriet didn’t come. D. Edward didn’t know the reason that they divorced. [单选题]婴幼儿从 6 个月到 3 周岁左右,手在视野范围内完成操纵、摆弄物品的活动,都是各种( )飞快发展的时期。
A.感觉能力 B.动手能力 C.知觉能力 D.视觉能力 [多选题]( )是供电企业收取电费的主要依据。
A. 国家批准的电价政策成本 B. 用电计量装置的电量记录 C. 与客户签定的供用电合同 D. 供电企业出台的文件 [多选题]列车推进运行时,列车前端应安设简易紧急制动阀(动车组列车除外),车站(路用、救援列车由使用单位或委托车站)派胜任人员携带( )登乘列车前端,注意运行前方,及时与列车司机联系,必要时使用简易紧急制动阀停车或通知司机停车。
A.信号灯 B.列车无线调度通信设备 C.简易紧急制动阀 [多选题]影响电流互感器测量误差的因素的有(____)。
A.一次电流比一次额定电流小的多时,不足以建立激磁,误差较大 B.一次电流大大超过一次额定电流时,磁路饱和,误差很大 C.二次负载功率因数COSφ直接影响电流误差ΔI%的大小 D.二次负载阻抗对电流误差ΔI%没有影响 我来回答: 提交