In American high schools today, it’s
taken as a given that extracurricular (课外的) activities bring students of
different races together. What’s more, it’s on clubs and sports teams that the
conditions of Allport’s Contact Theory are actually met—students are working
together toward a single goal, rather than competing against each
other. If school districts can widely integrate their sports teams and clubs, then they might see less self-segregation in the hallways and lunchrooms. It fell to a Duke University scholar, Dr. Charles Clotfelter, to figure out a way to measure how well schools are doing on this A. rearrange the school shuttles B. set stricter rules for the activities C. offer free buses for poor students D. make some curricular changes [单选题]患者男,38岁。反复肢体浮肿5年。腰以下为甚,按之凹陷不易恢复,纳减便溏,神疲乏力,四肢倦怠,小便短少,舌质淡,苔白腻,脉沉缓。其诊断是
A.水肿水湿浸渍证 B.癃闭脾气不升证 C.水肿脾阳虚衰证 D.癃闭膀胱湿热证 E.淋证劳淋 [单选题]以下设备设施发生故障与机电部生产调度接口的是( )
A.房建 B.通信 C.信号 D.FAS [单选题] 与中脑相连的神经是( )
A.动眼神经与滑车神经 B.动眼神经与展神经 C.滑神经与展神经 D.视神经与动眼神经 E.动眼神经与三叉神经 [简答题]休克
A. 头颅CT B. 脑脊液检查 C. 结核菌素试验 D. 腹部B超 E. 免疫球蛋白测定 [单选题]某肺结核患者,咯血约300ml后突然中断,呼吸极度困难,喉部有痰鸣音,表情恐怖,两手乱抓。护士首先要做的是()
A. B.准备气管插管用物 C.清除呼吸道积血 D.给予氧气吸入 [单选题]建立健全党的领导干部插手干预重大事项( )制度,发现利用职务便利违规干预干部选拔任用、工程建设、执纪执法、司法活动等问题,应当及时向上级党组织报告。( )
A.报告 B.记录 C.巡查 D.侦查 [简答题]货运事故种类及等级是如何划分的?
C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Long, long ago there Were many animals living in the forest (森林). One day there came a fairy (仙女). She asked the monkey, "Do you want me to make you look beautiful No, no. I’m already a good-looking monkey," answered the monkey. The fairy then turned to the horse, "Your face is too long. Do you want me to help you" Again the horse said, "No." Then a peacock came to the fairy and asked, "Can you make my tail (尾巴) longer and more beautiful Yes, of course," the fairy answered. With her magic stick (魔杖), the fairy helped the peacock grow a beautiful tail. The peacock was very happy. The monkey and the horse were unhappy because they felt sorry that they turned down the fairy’s offer (提议). The money thought he was good-looking enough. [A] True [B] False [单选题]智能变电站一体化监控系统的( )通过正向隔离装置向III/IV区数据通信网关机发布信息,并由III/IV区数据通信网关机传输给其他主站系统。
A.数据服务器 B.监控主机 C.计划管理终端 D.综合应用服务器 [单选题]一般照明的电源优先选用( )V。
A.220 B.380 C.36 我来回答: 提交