Large, multinational corporations may
be the companies whose ups and downs seize headlines. But to a far greater
extent than most Americans realize, the economy’ s vitality depends on the
fortunes of tiny shops and restaurants, neighborhood services and factories.
Small businesses, defined as those with fewer than 100 workers, now employ
nearly 60 percent of the work force and are expected to generate half of ail new
jobs between now and the year 2000. Some 1.2 million small firms have opened
their doors over the past six years of economic growth, and 1989 will see an
additional 200,000 entrepreneurs striking off on their own. Too many of these pioneers, however, will blaze ahead unprepared. Idealists will overestimate the clamor for their products or fail to factor in the competition. Nearly everyone will underestimate, often fatall A. more than 60 B. more than 51 C. more than 2,310 D. more than 2,400 [单项选择]按照我国航空公司的规定,已满2周岁未满12周岁的儿童购买机票应按成人票价的 购儿童票。
A. 10% B. 50% C. 40% D. 20% [判断题]20万元以上50万元以下
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]航站楼火灾中首先应该实施的是:( )
A.扑灭火灾 B.疏散旅客、抢救伤员 C.控制火灾扩散 D.保护重要设备设施。 [判断题]自然人的权利能力和行为能力相伴而生。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]柔性管道工程施工质量控制的关键是( )。
A.管道接口 B.管道基础 C.沟槽回填 D.管道坡度 [多项选择]集装作业法包括()
A. 托盘作业法 B. 重力法 C. 框架作业法 D. 倾翻法 E. 滑板作业法 [多选题] 起重机“前进”或“后退”,下列说法正确的是(
) A.“前进”指起重机向指挥人员开来 B.“后退”指起重机向指挥人员开来 C.“前进”指起重机离开指挥人员 D.“后退”指起重机离开指挥人员 [判断题]矿井主要通风机应有两回直接由变(配)电所馈出的供电线路。在受条件限制时,其中的一回路可引自同种设备的配电装置。()
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