It is 2 a. m. You took too long over
dinner, the coast is still a couple of hundred kilometers away and it is
essential to get that early morning ferry. And your car radiator pipe bas split.
At times like that, the documents making up your insurance kit lying in the
front of your car seem useless. The nearest phone was passed three kilometers
back, and it would be reasonable to expect some delay in getting breakdown
assistance when you have finally phoned through. If on the other hand, you’ve got a spare in the car, five minutes’ work should see you on your way again. The majority of breakdowns do involve minor and easily changed parts. A few basic tools and the right mix of spares are well worth the space they take up. But to sort out which ones are most likely to be needed, and to buy them, can be expensive. That is why A. driving short distances in hot weather B. having their car insured for £ 20 C. driving slowly at all times D. making sure their car is in good working order [多选题]在建设工程项目总进度目标论证时,进度计划系统的结构分析之后要做的工作有( )。
A.项目的工作编码 B.调查研究和收集资料 C.编制各层进度计划 D.协调各层进度计划的关系,编制总进度计划 E.若所编制的总进度计划不符合项目的进度目标,则设法调整 [单项选择]
2012年12月31日甲企业长期借款情况如下: A. 750,750 B. 1250,500 C. 1250,80 D. 80,1250 [单选题]在社会和医学实践中争议最大的是( )
A.被动安乐死的实施 B.主动安乐死的实施 C.临终关怀 D.器官移植 E.人工辅助生殖技术的使用 [单项选择]校长的主要职权包括教育改革自主权、人事权和()
A. 经费支配权 B. 对外交流权 C. 课程调整权 D. 德育管理权 [填空题]非节编站由___________________()__________________负责与银行人员交接。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]车辆在高速公路上发生故障,应开启车上危险信号,夜间还须同时开启()和()。
[判断题]长期存放BJQ-63/0.65S型液压机动泵机动泵时,应放在无灰尘处。无需将汽油从油箱中放空。 拆下火花塞,从火花塞孔加入一匙干净润滑油,转动汽油机几转,使润滑油均布于摩擦表面。再装回火花塞,将机动泵用防尘罩盖好
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]列车运行中,若要取消临时限速的调度命令,须输入( ),方可解除LKJ对该条揭示的控制。
[填空题] 肾的实质由若干个结构相同的( )组成。
A.0 B.50 C.1.7 D.100 [多选题]当验明检修的低压配电线路、设备确已无电压后,至少应采取以下措施之一防止反送电:( )。
A.装设遮栏 B.所有相线和零线接地并短路 C.绝缘遮蔽 D.在断开点加锁、悬挂“禁止合闸,有人工作!”或“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌 [单项选择]根据印花税法律制度的规定,下列选项中,属于印花税纳税人的是( )。
A. 合同的双方当事人 B. 合同的担保人 C. 合同的证人 D. 合同的鉴定人 [判断题]( )地震区棚式明洞,应采取防止落梁的措施。设防烈 度8度和9度时,不应采用悬臂式棚洞。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交