表4 复利系数表 | |||||||
F/P,i,n | P/F,i,n | A/P,i,n | P/A,i,n | A/F,i,n | F/A,i,n | ||
10% | 6 | 1.7715 | 0.56448 | 0.22961 | 4.3552 | 0.12961 | 7.7155 |
8 | 2.1435 | 0.46651 | 0.18745 | 5 [单选题]( )是当管理人员制定涉及人员的决策时必须咨询的一些被当选员工。
A.特殊任务组 B.跨职能团队 C.工作委员会 D.董事会代表 [多选题]下列( )情况会使来粉不均。
A.一次风管内有堵塞现象 B.煤粉仓温度过高 C.煤粉细度增大 D.给粉机转速过低 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输管理规则》规定,旅客列车之间产生会让时,应按()会让。
A.到站先后 B.列车等级 C.运行速度 D.图定优先 [多选题] 属于一类乘客有责投诉的是 () 。
A.员工找错钱、卖错票,导致乘客理由受损涉及金额在10元及以下。 B.服务工作中未运用服务知识与技巧。 C.对乘客违反规定行为不给予制止。 D.员工找错零、卖错票,导致乘客利益受损涉及金额10元及以下。(作弊行为不在此例) [简答题] You want to get healthy. You know you need to exercise more. But you are not ready to do intense physical activities. Don’’t worry! The best thing for most of us may be to just go for a walk.
Yes, walk. At a reasonably vigorous clip (five to six kilometers per hour) for half an hour or so, maybe five or six times a week. You may not feel the benefits all at once, but the evidence suggests that over the long term, a regular walking routine can do you good.
Walking, in fact, may be the perfect exercise. For starters, it’’s one of the safest things you can do with your body. It’’s much easier on the knees than running and doesn’’t trigger side effects.
Regular physical activity is probably as close to a magic bullet as we will come in modern medicine. If everyone were to walk briskly for 30 minutes every day, we could cut the incidence of many chronic diseases by 30 to 40 per cent.
Walking is also a great way to lose body fat, so even if you don’’t lose any weight,
[多选题]在电力设备上工作,保证安全的组织措施为:工作票制度、工作监护制度、( )。
A.设备巡视制度 B.工作许可制度 C.工作结束和送电制度 D.工作间断和转移工地制度 [判断题]两线路所间或线路所与车站间,以该线上的通过信号机柱的中心线为所间区间的分界线。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交