{{I}}Questions 14-17 are based on an introduction of housing available for students.{{/I}} |
Diogenes was the founder of the creed called
Cynicism (the word means "doggishness"); he spent much of his life in the rich,
lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth, mocking and satirizing its people, and
occasionally converting one of them. He was not crazy. He was a philosopher who
wrote plays and poems and essays expounding his doctrine; he talked to those who
cared to listen; he had pupils who admired him. But he taught chiefly by
example. All should live naturally, he said, for what is natural is normal and
cannot possibly be evil or shameful. Live without conventions, which are
artificial and false; escape complexities and superfluities and extravagance;
only so can you live a free life. The rich man believes he possesses his big
house with its many rooms and its elaborate furniture, his pictures and his
expensive clothes, his A. It means habits and customs. B. It means death and poverty. C. It means superfluities and complexities. D. It means real and meaningful life. [简答题]男女一方要求离婚的,如何办理?
[多选题]《规程》规定,采用均压技术防灭火时,改变矿井( )时,对均压地点的均压状况必须及时进行调整,保证均压状态的稳定。
A.通风方式 B.主要通风机工况 C.回采方式 D.井下通风系统 E.略 F.略 G.略 H.略 [单选题]工业上使用()来吸收三氧化硫制备发烟硫酸。
A.水 B.稀硫酸 C.98%左右的硫酸 D.90%的硫酸 [单选题]液压起拨道器的液压系统中采用的是( )。
A.齿轮油泵 B.外啮合齿轮油泵 C.手动柱塞泵 D.手动油泵 [判断题]当前公里标为7.500,公里标趋势为减少,按压【车位】键+【向前】键,公里标显示为6.500。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列选项中,属于计算机病毒特征的是______。
A. 多样性 B. 传染性 C. 随机性 D. 免疫性 [单选题]关于医疗文件的书写要求,错误的是
A.可进行主观判断 B.记录及时准确 C.内容简明扼要 D.医学术语确切 E.录者签全名 [多项选择]以下选项中,属于米香型酒的特点的是( )。
A. 回味怡畅 B. 人口柔绵 C. 落口爽洌 D. 蜜香清雅 E. 醇和 [填空题]认真执行()和(),不得擅离岗位。
A.剪切 B.弯曲 C.扭曲 D.劈裂 [单选题]有关单纯性甲状腺肿下列不正确的是
A.由碘缺乏引起 B.甲功正常,不会引起声音嘶哑 C.甲状腺呈多结节样肿大 D.甲状腺呈弥漫性肿大 E.由碘过量引起 [多选题]生产经营单位作出涉及安全生产的经营决策,应当听取( )的意见。
A.工会组织 B.安全生产管理机构 C.工程技术人员 D.安全生产管理人员 E.国务院 [判断题]海上货物运输保险合同是一种补偿合同,保险人只负责金钱赔偿责任,而不负使保险货物恢复原状或归还原主的责任。( )
A.属于联合关节 B.关节囊后壁较松驰 C.分上、下两个关节腔 D.有关节盘 E.下颌骨可作前伸运动 [单选题]发动机尾喷管喷火通常是由于发动机控制故障导致聚集的燃油点火造成。_____是主要的
灭火方式. A.释放灭火瓶 B.无法灭火 C.冷转发动机 D.海伦灭火瓶 [单项选择]我国国债分为可流通国债和不可流通国债,不可流通国债是指( )。
A. 凭证式国债 B. 记账式国债 C. 有纸国债 D. 企业债券 我来回答: 提交