2002年5月,甲房地产开发公司在城市市区取得某地块的土地使用权,崔某是该地块的被拆迁人之一。拆迁工作完成后,甲房地产开发公司在该地块上开发建设一商品住宅小区。外地人伍某因工作需要购买了该住宅小区一套住房。 |
To finance the national debt, the
government issues a variety of debt securities. The most widely held liquid
security is the Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry of
finance. However, some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U. S.
government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount
from par (their value at maturity). The investor’s yield comes from the increase
in the value of the security between the time it was pm, chased and the time it
matures. Treasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk. Because even if the government ran out of money, it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature. The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of the short term to maturity. The markets [判断题]申请举行集会、游行、示威要求解决具体问题的,主要机关接到申请书后,可以通知有关机关或者单位同集会、游行、示威的负责人协商解决问题,并可以将申请举行的时间推迟5天。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某数据库有20条记录,若用函数EOF( )测试结果为。T.,那么此时函数RECNO( )的值是( )。
A. 20 B. 21 C. 19 D. 1 [单项选择]控制各阶段的设计深度,保证各阶段设计符合()阶段提出的质量要求。
A. 项目准备 B. 项目策划 C. 项目设计 D. 项目实施 [单选题]以下关于消防安全带说法错误的是:
A.消防安全带不可调节尺寸大小以适合体型佩戴 B.带扣应使安全带长度调节方便,佩戴快速,且无松脱.滑落现象,其边角半径不小于6mm。 C.带扣和拉环无棱角.毛刺.无裂纹.明显压痕和划伤等缺陷。 D.消防安全带的零部件应安装端正,整带平直.整洁,无污油渍.缺损及其它有损外观的缺陷。 [单项选择]对于建设项目中个别评价工作等级低于( )的单项影响评价,可根据具体情况进行简单的叙述、分析或不作叙述、分析。
A. 第四级 B. 第一级 C. 第二级 D. 第三级 [判断题]电缆竖井中,电缆夹层宜选择点式离子感烟探测器。( )
A.乘车儿童 B.身高1.1m~1.5m的儿童 C.免费乘车儿童 D.身高1.2m~1.5m的儿童 [单选题]已婚妇女晨起呕吐伴停经应注意:
A.盆腔炎 B.早孕 C.慢性肝炎 D.肾结石 E.迷路炎 我来回答: 提交