Allergies cause heaps of trouble. Some
people suffer the nuisance of seasonal hay fever, snuffling and sneezing as
pollen flows through the air. Others react to materials such as metals,
developing unpleasant rashes at their very touch. And some sorry souls go into
shock at the mere presence of certain foods, particularly peanuts and
shellfish. The cause in each case is an oversensitive immune system that is reacting to harmless materials as well as to the pathogens it is supposed to be fighting. This creates annoying and sometimes life-threatening symptoms. Chronically over-reactive immune systems may not, though, be an entirely bad thing. Another role played by the immune system is to destroy malignant tumours before they take hold—and work carried out recently by Annette Wigertz of the Karolinska Institute, in Stockhol A. the interviewees of the study are those who are suffering allergies. B. the team examined 1,527 cases. C. there is a negative correlation between allergies and brain tumors. D. 30% of those who suffer from glioma also suffer from allergies. [判断题]时间管理的发展阶段中,第四阶段的重点是依据轻重缓急将有限的时间与精力加以合理分配,强调优先次序。
[多选题]实现电子商务的最底层的网络硬件基础设施包括( )。
A.远程通信网 B.有线电视网 C.无线通信网 D.电网 E.互联网 [判断题]纯净半导体的温度升高时,半导体的导电性增强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]欠平衡钻井节流阀前高压端安装压力表,压力表量程不低于()MPa。
A.3 B.6 C.16 D.30 [多项选择]某英国企业和某法国企业在北京出资设立了一家有限责任公司,因公司经营不善,严重亏损,二投资者决定将公司解散,以下说法正确的是( )
A. 公司可以自行决定解散,不需报审批机关批准 B. 清算委员会的人选应报审批机关审核 C. 清算委员会应由公司的法定代表人、债权人代表及主管机关的代表组成,可以聘请中国的注册会计师、律师参加 D. 公司处理财产时,同等条件下,中国的企业或者其他经济组织有优先购买权 [简答题]减少阀门振动和噪音的方法有哪些?
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