With increasing prosperity, Western European youth is having a fling that is creation distinctive consumer and cultural patterns. The result has been the increasing emergence in Europe of that phenomenon well known in America as the "youth market". This is a market in which enterprising businesses cater to the demands of teenagers and older youths in all their rock mania and pop-art forms. In Western Europe, the youth market may appropriately be said to be in its infancy. In some countries such as Britain, West Germany and France, it is more advanced than in others. Some manifestations of the market, chiefly sociological, have been recorded. But it is only just beginning to be the subject of organized consumer research and promotion. Characteristics of the evolving European youth market indicate dissimilarities as well as similarities to the American youth market. The similarities .. The market’s basis is essentially the same — more spending power and freedo
A. factual.
B. critical.
C. favorable.
D. ambiguous.
城乡消防规划的内容包括()。 What produces a waterproof super glue,
acts like a vacuum cleaner, and even teaches scientists about gene repair The
humble little shellfish known as the mussel (贻贝)。 Mussels are found worldwide. Some live in the sea. Others inhabit freshwater streams and lakes. When you try to move a mussel from a rock, you will discover what an incredibly firm grip it has- a necessity if the mussel is to resist the sharp grab of a hungry seabird or the pounding waves of the sea. How does it manage to cling so tight When it choose a place to set up home, it pokes its tongue-shaped foot out of its shell and presses it against a solid surface. Special glands give off a fluid mixture of proteins into a channel that runs the length of the foot. The liquid quickly hardens into a fine, elastic thread about an inch long. Then a tiny pad-like structur A. seal itself from being damaged by sea water B. protect itself from being the food of other animals C. protect itself from being blown away by strong wind D. produce the waterproof super glue [判断题]空调压缩机皮带轮与压盘之间的间隙可以使用间隙规来测量,可选择不同的垫片来不同的垫片来增大或减小间隙。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]党的组织领导是指党按照()和(),建立健全党的组织,培养、选拔、使用和监督党员干部。( )
A.民主、集中原则 B.公开、公平原则 C.民主集中制原则、组织制度 D.组织制度、公开公平原则 [单选题]()属于感应雷的其中一种感应形式。
A.直击感应 B.电磁感应 C.雷电波感应 D.热感应 [单选题]液压闸板防喷器的关闭流程是( )。1)压力油推动主活塞并带动两边的闸板总成分别向井口中心移动;2)两闸板总成的前密封之间或其与管柱外壁之间形成密封;3)闸板总成顶密封与主通径顶密封面也形成密封;4)达到封井的目的;5)当防喷器液压控制系统的压力油由关闭口进入左右油缸的关闭腔时。
A.1)2)3)4)5) B.4)1)3)2)5) C.5)1)2)3)4) D.3)4)5)2)1) [单项选择]关于心悸的治疗,以下哪项是错误的:()。
A. 主取手少阴、厥阴经穴为主 B. 主穴取神门、郄门、心俞、巨阙 C. 毫针用平补平泻法 D. 不可用灸法 E. 可以选用耳针治疗 [单项选择]某有限责任公司,注册资金50万,其中股东A出资30万,股东B、C各出资10万。公司因经营不善一年后负债100万,而资产只有80万。资不抵债申请破产,则该公司和股东A、B、C分别承担的责任是()
A. 公司50万股东A30万股东B,C各10万 B. 公司80万股东A30万股东B,C各10万 C. 公司80万股东A12万股东B,C各4万 D. 公司100万股东A12万股东B,C各4万 [单选题]起重机械拆装时应编制专项安全施工方案。( )
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单项选择]某邮政公司2006年5月取得快递业务收入5万元;电报、电传业务收入15万元;电信设备出租业务收入100万元;报刊销售收入20万元。与其他单位合作,共同为用户提供邮政业务,由邮政公司统一收取价款,实际收取业务款项120万元,支付给合作单位50万元,则该邮政公司5月份应纳营业税( )万元。
A. 3.33 B. 6.30 C. 10.5 D. 12.80 [单项选择]下列关于社内、同业往来账务核对表述不正确的是( )。
A. 要逐笔勾对 B. 每月终了不论是否记满账页都必须及时将对账联交对方对账 C. 对账时只需核对余额相符 D. 要换人核对 [不定项选择题]在竞争条件下,人们倾向于把他人的失败作( )。单选
A.内归因 B.情境归因 C.外归因 D.运气归因 [单项选择]主要表现为多学科交叉性和多层次相交切性这两个方面特性的是()
A. 系统性 B. 边缘性 C. 层次性 D. 立体性 [多项选择]智能变电站配置文件包括。()
A. SCD文件 B. ICD文件 C. CID文件 D. SSD文件 我来回答: 提交