Trees are useful to man (61)
three very important ways: they provide him (62)
wood and other produces; they help to check soil erosion and they help to
(63) drought and floods. (64) , in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the (65) of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large (66) , only to find that (67) them he has lost the best friend he had. Two (68) years ago a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build w A. it B. its C. it’s being D. its being [单选题]成人胸外按压深度至少为胸骨下陷:( )
A. 3-4厘米 B.4-5厘米 C.5-6厘米 D.5厘米 [判断题]膏状腮红教适合皮肤偏干者在定妆前使用。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]外单位承揽公司系统工程项目的施工人员或参与公司系统电气工作的外来人员,应熟悉安规并经考试合格,经设备运行管理单位认可,方可参加工作。工作前,设备运行管理单位应告知( )。
A.现场电气设备接线情况; B.危险点; C.安全注意事项; D.监理人员情况 [判断题]润滑油的牌号数值越大,粘度越高。
A.骨与软组织并重复位 B.一般要求解剖复位 C.坚持固定与活动相结合 D.复位、固定和功能锻炼 E.局部与全身治疗兼顾 [判断题]3.349. 地埋的给排水管道应与道路或地上建筑物的施工统筹考虑,先地下再地上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某石棉纺织厂女工,45岁,接触石棉尘工龄25年,X线胸片表现总体密度为3级、分布范围超过4个肺区的不规则小阴影,心缘因胸膜增厚而显模糊,呈“蓬发状心”。应诊断的石棉肺分期为
A. Ⅰ期 B. Ⅰ+期 C. Ⅱ期 D. Ⅱ+期 E. Ⅲ期 我来回答: 提交