An Observation and an
Explanation{{/B}} It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The usual fondling, cuddling and cleaning require little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. Careful studies have shown the fact that 80 percent of mothers hold their infants in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. If asked to explain the significance of this preference most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance of right-handedness in the population. By holding the babies in their left arms, the mothers keep their dominant arm free for manipulations. But a [单选题]室外高压设备发生接地时,人员不得接近故障点( )以内。
A.A-2m B.B-4m C.C-6m D.D-8m [单选题]下列有关氧化磷酸化的叙述,错误的是( )。
A.物质在氧化时伴有ADP磷酸化生成ATP的过程 B.氧化磷酸化过程存在于线粒体内 C.P/O可以确定ATP的生成数 D.经呼吸链传递至氧产生3分子ATP [判断题]交通警察在巡逻或其他执勤执法工作中发现的财产损失交通事故,可以指导当事人自行协商,也可以当场认定事故责任或引导至快处点处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]危化品储罐灾害事故处置中,通常情况下,5万立方米以下单盘外浮顶储罐密封圈火灾,登罐灭火时间应控制在起火( )个小时内。
A.1 B.1.5 C.2 D.3 [多项选择]“组织创新”也可以看成是部分的制度创新。由此出发,人们的研究进一步分化为两个支流:一是侧重产品、工艺、资源配置、市场的创新研究,形成()理论;二是主要以组织变革和制度创新为研究对象,形成()理论。
A. 产品创新 B. 技术创新 C. 组织创新 D. 制度创新 [单选题]施工机具和安全工器具入库、出库、使用前应进行( ),禁止使用损坏、变形、有故障等不合格的机具和安全工器具。
A.检查 B.试验 C.鉴定 [判断题]用标准节流装置测管道流量时,要求流体在前一倍管道直径长处形成典型湍流,同时流束充满管道。( )[1.0分]
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列不属于高压部件的是( )
A. 高压变压器 B. 灯丝变压器 C. 高压交换闸 D. 高压接触器 E. 高压电缆 [单选题]电焊导线不得靠近热源,且禁止接触钢丝绳或转动机械。电焊导线穿过道路应采取()。
A.防碾压措施 B.防护措施 C.防潮措施 D.防触电措施 [填空题]在开新炉时,一般采用的是()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]触电急救,当采用胸外心脏按压法进行急救时,伤员应仰卧于()上。
A.柔软床垫 B.硬板床或地 C.担架 D.弹簧床 [单选题]当路由器接收的IP报文中的目标网络不在路由表中时,将采取的策略是 ( )
A.丢掉该报文 B.将该报文以广播的形式从该路由器的所有端口发出 C.将报文退还给上级设备 D.向某个特定的路由器请求路由 [多选题]水泥混凝土粗集料性能应满足()要求。
A. A:质地坚硬 B. B:级配合理 C. C:粒形良好 D. D:吸水率大 E. E:洁净 [简答题]托运人组织装车的货物,发站发现有下列情事之一时,应由托运人改善后接收?
①债券期限;②息票率;③可赎回条款;④税收待遇;⑤流动性;⑥违约风险;⑦可转换性;⑧可延期性。 [单项选择]
Organic Architecture One of the most striking personalities in the development of early- twentieth-century architecture was Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959). Wright attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison before moving to Chicago, where he eventually joined the firm headed by Louis Sullivan. Wright set out to create "architecture of democracy". Early influences were the volumetric shapes in a set of educational blocks the German educator Friedrich Froebel designed, the organic unity of a Japanese building Wright saw at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, and a Jeffersonian belief in individualism and populism. Always a believer in architecture as "natural" and "organic", Wright saw it as serving free individuals who have the right to move within a "free" space, envisioned as a nonsymmetrical design interacting spatially with its natural surroundings. He sought to develop an organic unity of planning, struct A. To publish his plans in Europe. B. To give the middle class a good design. C. To help younger architects with their work. D. To begin a revolution in architecture. [单项选择]有如下程序:
Private Sub Command1_Click( ) Dim a As Single Dim b As Single a=5:b=4 Call Sub1(a,b) End Sub Sub Sub1(x As Single,y As Single) t=X X=t/Y Y=t Mod y End Sub 在调用运行上述程序后,a和b的值分别为 A. 0 0 B. 1 1 C. 2 2 D. 1 2 [判断题]《行规》电务人员检修闭塞设备需使用计轴复零按钮时应在天窗内进行,履行登记和签认手续后,并请求调度命令。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]员工行为通则包括()、()、()、( )、()等内容
A.诚实守信 B.主动学习 C.热爱兴澄 D.尊重领导安排 E.注重团队合作 [单项选择]魏书生老师以()的形式对初中学段的语文知识作了归类。
A. 学生自学 B. 六步教学 C. 知识树 D. 情景教学 [单项选择]幼儿园建筑宜采用哪种空间组合方式( )。
A. 走道式空间组合方式 B. 单元式空间组合方式 C. 穿套式空间组合方式 D. 大空间分割组织形式 [单项选择]
逆向工程导出的信息可以分为实现级、结构级、功能级和领域级四个抽象层次。程序的抽象语法树属于();反映程序分量之间相互依赖关系的信息属于()。 反映程序分量之间相互依赖关系的信息属于()A. 实现级 B. 结构级 C. 功能级 D. 领域级 [不定项选择题]共用题干
An Intelligent Car
Driving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination(协调)between hands and the brain.Many human drivers have all_________(1)and can control a fast -moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself? There is a virtual(虚拟的)driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has "eyes", "brains","hands"and"feet",too.The minicameras_________(2)each side of the car are his"eyes",which_________(3)the road conditions ahead of it.They watch the_________(4)to the car's left and right.There is also a highly automatic driving _________(5)in the car. It is the built-in computer,which is the virtual driver's "brain".His"brain"_________(6)the speeds of other moving cars near it and analyzes their positions.Basing on this information,it chooses the_________(7)path for the intelligent car,and gives instructions to the"hands"and"feet"to act accordingly. In this way,the virtual driver_________(8)his car. What is the virtual driver's best advantage?He reacts_________(9).The minicameras are bringing_________(10)continuously to the"brain".It completes the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds._________(11),the world's best driver needs at least one second to react.Besides,when he takes_________(12),he needs one more second. The virtual driver is really wonderful.He can reduce the accident_________(13) considerably on expressways(高速公路).In this_________(14),can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place?Experts_________(15)that we cannot do that just yet.His ability to recognize things is still limited.He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways. _________(12) A.action B.role C.decision D.notice [判断题]较大事故和一般事故由事故发生地安全监管办组织事故调查组进行调查。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]AC006 钢件淬火的目的是( )。
A.提高强度 B.提高机械性能 C.提高疲劳强度 D.提高硬度和耐磨性 [不定项选择]下面的法律规定中,哪些属于法的要素中的法律规则:( )
A. 《刑法》第216条规定:"假冒他人专利,情节严重的,处3年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或单处罚金。" B. 《宪法》第26条规定:"国家保护与改善生活环境与生态环境,防治污染和其他公害。" C. 《刑法》第94条规定:"本法所称司法工作人员,是指有侦查、审判、监管职责的工作人员。" D. 《合同法》第215条规定:"租赁期限六个月以上的,应采取书面形式。当事人未采取书面形式的,视为不定期租赁。" [多选题]龙游县人民政府应当根据本行政区域的行政执法状况,组织开展专项行政执法检查,检查情况应当报告( )
A.龙游县人民代表大会 B.龙游县人民代表大会常务委员会 C.衢州市人民政府 D.衢州市人民代表大会常务委员会 [判断题]不同建制的单位同驻一个营区时,作息时间表轮流由单位定
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交