{{B}}Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following interview.{{/B}} |
A.If you visit the Peruvian coastal desert from north to south, you will note that sporadically you come upon a green and fertile valley surrounded by sand. The valleys of the Peruvian Pacific coast are like elongated oasis, through which run narrow and torrential rivers that originate in the snow-capped mountains of the Andes and which flow to the Pacific Ocean. As you travel more towards the south, these valleys become smaller and the rivers are narrower. Many of these rivers run dry for most part of the year with the exception of the rainy season in the mountains (from December to March).
B.Nazca is one of these valleys. Here an important civilization developed during the first six centuries after Christ. It was a culture made up of noteworthy textile weavers and potters (the best paintings of ancient Peru can be found on the ceramics from Nazca). Great desert plain
The brain drain (人才流失) is a universal
phenomenon, and countries that don’t face up to the new reality will be losing
some of their most precious resources. The northeast of England is its poorest
region, and has experienced a severe loss of highly qualified
professionals-to-be. Some of the most able 18-year-olds are going to other parts
of Britain, even to other countries. What is happening here is happening to
Britain as a whole. Most noticeably, there is a growing trend of British
students’ taking degrees in American universities. This year the number will
break the psychological barrier of 1 000 students for the first time. And what is happening at the secondary-school level is happening to higher education. Wherever they come from, today’s students have a very different perspective on education from their parents. Becaus A. education has no national boundary B. America attaches greater importance to education than Britain C. students in America receive better education than in Britain D. failure in education might lead to huge loss of both money and human resources [多选题]IETF 将一个人入侵检测系统分为()
A.事件产生器(Event generators) B.事件分析器(Event analyzers) C.响应单元(Response units) D.事件数据库(Event databases) [单选题]最早的文学形式是什么?
A.散文 B.神话 C.小说 D.诗歌 [判断题].载流导体周围的磁场方向与产生磁场的电流方向有关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]’年5月10日起实施的车辆分公司《危险源辨识、风险评价和风险控制管理细则》中规定,危险源的辨识可以采用现场检查法,该方法以( )为依据。
A.经验 B.标准 C.法规 D.行业规范 E.国家法律 [单选题] 蓄电池作业前需断开蓄电池隔离开关,并按要求对蓄电池进行()。
A..清洗 B..干燥 C..编号 D..压力测试 [单选题] 对于新井或停注超过 24h 的井,开井前要先进行( )。
A.洗井 B.扫线 C.放溢流 D.试注 [单项选择]罗兹风机转子与前后墙板发生摩擦的原因()
A. 两转子间隙不当 B. 转子与两端墙板轴向间隙不当 C. 滚动轴承径向跳动大 D. C4AF [判断题]( )安装脱轨自动制动装置的车辆,重新调整旁承间隙或车钩高后必须重新检查并调整拉环、顶梁与车轴的位置尺寸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗脱疽热毒伤阴证,应首选()
A. 阳和汤 B. 桃红四物汤 C. 顾步汤 D. 人参养荣汤 E. 附桂八味丸 [判断题]线路允许速度120 km/h以上至160 km/h及以下,或货车轴重25 t及以上区段的正线道岔,采用可动心轨道岔或外锁闭装置;( ) PJ47
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在两线间堆放道砟、片石、砂子等线桥用料,料堆的高度不得高于钢轨顶面( )mm。
A.100 B.200 C.300 D.500 [单项选择]陆游《关山月》中,写遗民心情的诗句是
A. 三十从军今白发 B. 笛里谁知壮士心 C. 厩马肥死弓断弦 D. 岂有逆胡传子孙 [填空题]依据《四川省机动车驾驶员培训管理办法》,县级以上交通行政主管部门应当做好机动车驾驶员培训市场发展的()和科学调控,鼓励和引导机动车驾驶员培训市场向专业化、规模化、()和基地化发展。
治疗下肢急性丹毒,首选的抗生素是 A.四环素 B.红霉素 C.庆大霉素 D.卡那霉素 E.青霉素 [判断题]根据我国《海商法》第一百零三条的相关规定,多式联运经营人对多式联运货物的责任期间,自接收货物时起至交付货物时止.()
[多选题]在 20世纪即将结束的时候 , 英国广播公司在全世界范围进行了一次网上评选 " 千年思想 家 " 的活动。结果 , 得票最多的是马克思。马克思主义哲学创立一个半世纪以来 , 始终受到人 们的普遍关注 充满生机和活力这是因为( )
A.它正确反映了世界特别是社会发展的客观规律 B.它是随着社会实践的发展而发展的科学体系 C.它是检验其他认识是否正确的标准 D.它对人们的实践有正确的指导作用 [多选题]下列各项中,与周恩来有关的有( )。
A.发动安源路矿工人大罢工 B.担任黄埔军校政治部主任 C.主持广州农民运动讲习所 D.组织上海工人第三次武装起义 我来回答: 提交