Psychologists take opposing views of
how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and
creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their
consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school.
Cognitive (认知学派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life,
maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on
approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many suppo A. the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewards B. the amount of monetary rewards for students’ creativity C. the study of relationship between actions and their consequences D. the effects of external rewards on students’ performance [单选题]25T型车的塞拉门关门经过( )时无防挤压功能。
A.98%开关 B.78%开关 C.88%开关 D.95%开关 [多选题]严格外包作业管理。严格执行外包作业“( )”制度,监督外包作业安全、技术、组织措施的落实,保障外包作业现场施工的安全和质量。
A.双勘察 B.双交底 C.双签发 D.双许可 [单项选择]常引起上消化道出血的情况是()
A. 十二指肠球部溃疡 B. 出血坏死性胰腺炎 C. 成人消化道息肉 D. 胃平滑肌瘤 E. 机械性肠梗阻 [判断题]参加三星级评定应具备农网配电营业工技能鉴定高级工资格,上年度绩效考核B级及以上,近三年绩效考核累积得分4分及以上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]温水装置整修作业,打开进水阀,接通电源,检查确认温度控制器设置温度是否在( )范围内,进行功能试验。
A.80℃±5℃ B.70℃±5℃ C.60℃±5℃ D.50℃±5℃ [单项选择]在社会工作研究中,()适合于被调查者文化水平不高、调查问题较复杂的情况,但不太合适了解敏感问题。
A. 自填问卷 B. 参与观察 C. 访问问卷 D. 个案研究 [多项选择]下列哪种情形人民法院应当裁定中止执行
A. 甲申请强制执行乙的汽车,A法院在执行过程中发现该车是B法院正在审理的一项合同案件的标的物 B. 据以执行的法律文书被撤销 C. 案外人丙对执行标的提出确有理由的异议 D. 丁作为案件被执行人,因车祸意外身亡,其无遗产可供执行,又无义务承担人 [多选题]当井下透水时,有效的自救、互救的方法是( )。
A.A.往高处走,并沿预定避灾路线出井。 B.B.若透水来自老空、老窑要防止中毒、窒息。 C.C.当无法撤出时,选择地势高地点待救。 D.D.要以最快方式通知附近地区的工作人员撤退。 [判断题]《用于水泥和混凝土中的粉煤灰》GB/T1596-2017 中,对比胶砂指的是对比水泥与规定级配的标 准砂按质量比 1:3 混合。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列没有语病的一项是( )。
A.将军从头到脚凝视着刚从前线回来的儿子,激动得一句话也说不出来 B.制止和规范权力消费行为已成为反腐败斗争中迫在眉睫的课题 C.现在,仍有一些不良商家不择手段地造伪劣产品 D.在这次事故中死了许多人,他是幸免遇难的一个 [判断题]行灯变压器的外壳应有良好的接地线,高压侧不宜使用单相两极带接地插头。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] Photoshop中RGB分别代表( )
A. 红黄蓝 B. 红橙蓝 C. 红绿蓝 D. 红蓝绿 [单选题]9分支机构()对本机构全量客户账户进行反洗钱名单回溯;并根据回溯调查结果进行核实,核实属于禁入类客户的,应当在账户系统中将该客户标识为“禁入客户”。"
A.每月 B.每季 C.每年 D.每日" [单选题].严禁在可燃气体、易燃液体蒸气泄漏区域内的门窗正面泄压口,下水井、电缆井、煤气井等部位的( )及周围站立,以防爆炸造成伤亡。
A. 左侧 B. 右侧 C. 上方 D.下方 [单项选择] This looks like the year that hard-pressed tenants in California will get relief — not just in the marketplace, where rents have eased, but from the state capital Sacramento.
Two significant tenant reforms stand a good chance of passage. One bill, which will give more time to tenants being evicted (逐出) , will soon be heading to the governor’’s desk. The other, protecting security deposits, faces a vote in the Senate on Monday.
For more than a century, landlords in California have been able to force tenants out with only 30 day’’s notice. That will now double under SB 1403, which got through the Assembly recently. The new protection will apply only to renters who have been in an apartment for at least a year.
Even 60 days in a tight housing market won’’t be long enough for some families to find an apartment near where their kids go to school. But it will be an improvement in cities like San Jose, where renters rights groups charge that unscrupulous (不择手段的) landlords h
A. moving house is something difficult to arrange B. appropriate housing may not be readily available C. more time is needed for their kids’’ school registration D. the furnishing of the new house often takes a long time [单选题]过卷、松绳等安全保护装置动作不准或不起作用时,( )立即进行调整。
A.不必 B.应该 C.必须 [简答题]弹踢的要领有哪些?
[单选题]在启动区间乘客疏散应急预案后,司机将现场情况报给行调的同时也要将现场情况报给( )。
A.行车值班员 B.督导员及司机长 C.值班工程师 D.部长 [单项选择]患者,女,20岁。有失眠史1年余。现因大学生活紧张再度失眠,且较前加重,经常入睡困难,或醒后难以再寐,伴心烦心悸,善惊易恐,头晕健忘,神疲乏力,面色少华,肢体倦怠,纳少,舌淡苔脉细弱。如果患者出现久治不愈,两目隐隐现红丝,舌边有瘀点或青纹,脉象两关弦长。当投以方()
A. 柴胡疏肝散 B. 丹栀逍遥散 C. 桃红四物汤 D. 血府逐瘀汤 E. 丹参饮 [填空题] For the past two years, I have been working on students’’ evaluation of classroom teaching. I have kept a record of informal conversations 【B1】 some 300 students from at 【B2】 twenty-one colleges and universities.
The students were generally 【B3】 and direct in their comments 【B4】 how course work could be better 【B5】 Most of their remarks were kindly 【B6】 — with tolerance rather than bitterness — and frequently were softened by the 【B7】 that the students were speaking 【B8】 some, not all, instructors. Nevertheless, 【B9】 the following suggestions and comments indicate, students feel 【B10】 with things as they are in the classroom. Professors should be 【B11】 from reading lecture notes. "It makes their 【B12】 monotonous (单调的)." If they are going to read, why not 【B13】 out copies of the lecture Then we 【B14】 need to go to class. Professors should 【B15】 repeating in lectures material that is in the textbook. "【B16】 we’’ve read the material, we want to 【B17】 it or hear it elaborated on,
A. A.dissatisfied B.unsatisfactory C.satisfied D.satisfactory [判断题]正断层是由于地壳受到两侧压力推挤紧缩形成的。()
[判断题]电容器室内应有良好的通风。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在意识水平上对思想的表象的加工是()。
A. 模仿学习 B. 动作技能学习 C. 情感学习 D. 认知学习 [单选题]不属于病故军人的“兄弟姐妹”的()
A.同父母的兄弟姐妹 B.同父异母或者同母异父的兄弟姐妹 C.养兄弟姐妹、有抚养关系的继兄弟姐妹 D.不同父母的兄弟姐妹 [单项选择]为减轻和避免镜片被水蒸气模糊而影响观察,国产面具多采用( )形管的设计方案。
A. X B. Y C. Z D. T [多项选择]功率因数的改善方法主要是()
A. 合理地选择电动机的型号、规格和容量使其接近满载运行 B. 消除严重欠压运行的电动机和变压器 C. 提高维护检修质量,保证电动机的电磁特性符合要求。合理调度安排生产流程,限制电气设备空载运行 D. 并联电容器法 E. 同步电动机过激法 我来回答: 提交