Text{{/B}} In common with many countries, Britain has serious environmental problems. In 1952, more than 4,000 people died in London because of the smog. The government {{U}} (26) {{/U}} new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the {{U}} (27) {{/U}} improved a lot. Today, London is much cleaner {{U}} (28) {{/U}} there is a new problem: smog from cars. In December 1991, there was very {{U}} (29) {{/U}} wind in London and pollution {{U}} (30) {{/U}} a lot, which led to 160 deaths in just four days. {{U}} (31) {{/U}} of the problem is the new" out of town" shopping centers. In the past, people often {{U}} (32) {{/U}} to shops near their homes or went by bus. Today, many people drive to the new shopping centers. {{U}} (33) {{/U}}, the small shops have {{U}} A. move B. rush C. travel D. get [判断题]《分组工作派工单》的分组编号由工作负责人自行编号,编号由2位阿拉伯数字组成,按照“1”、“2”…依次编号。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )发现火灾时,单位或个人应该先自救,如果自救无效,火越着越大时,再拨打火警电话119。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]误差的绝对值
A.不甘落后 B.坚持不懈 C.奋勇争先 D.追求进步 [简答题] H2S的腐蚀过程是怎样的?影响因素有哪些?什么部位易腐蚀? 如何防止硫化氢腐蚀?
[单选题]机车车辆换长等于它的全长除以( )。
A.10 B.11 C.12 D.13 [多选题]普通量具有( )。
A.钢尺 B.直角尺 C.皮尺 [单选题]吸收塔停车检修时,应检查其填料的( )、腐蚀、破损、堵塞等情况。
A.规格 B.材质 C.型号 D.结垢 [单选题]称重时,迅速调正游锤至杠杆()水平,准确记录显示的刻度数。
A.正中 B.偏上 C.偏下 D.上下摆动 [简答题]处于正常运行的SDH光端机,某站的管理盘(主控盘)出现故障是否会影响业务通信?并简单说明理由。
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