In every cultivated language
there are two great classes of words which, taken together, comprises the whole
vocabulary. First, there are those words (1) which we become
acquainted in daily conversation, which we (2) , that is to
say, from the (3) of our own family and from our familiar
associates, and (4) we should know and use (5)
we could not read or write. They (6) the common
things of life, and are the stock in trade of all who (7) the
language. Such words may be called "popular", since they belong to the people
(8) and are not the exclusive (9) of a
limited class. On the other hand, our language (10) a multitude of words which are compara A. besides B. and C. or D. but [单选题]要求用JavaScript实现下面的功能:当一个文本框中的内容发生改变后,单击页面的其他位置,弹出一个消息框显示文本框中的内容,下列语句正确的是?
A. B. C. D. [单选题]下列昆虫中属于不完全变态的是( )。
A.蚜虫 B.金龟子 C.蝇类 D.蛾类 [单选题]甲是一家拥有锅炉设计、制造、维修、检测资质的企业与乙市城西供暖所签订了一系列合同,在实施合同的过程中,受到工程所在地市场管理局锅检所全程跟踪监督,并对其中违法违规行为进行纠正。下列订立的合同中,属于违法违规行为的是()。
A.订立了制造合同由甲企业负责锅炉的制造 B.订立了安装合同由甲企业负责锅炉的安装 C.订立了检测合同锅炉安装完成后由甲企业对锅炉进行了检验检测 D.订立了维护保养合同,约定甲企业每15日对锅炉进行一次维护保养 [判断题]任何账户都是借方表示增加,贷方表示减少。( )
A.学历教育 B.强制性安全培训 C.非强制性安全培训 [多选题]常见的引火源主要有:( )。
A.明火 B.“电弧”和“电火花” C.化学反应热 D.生物热 [单项选择] 以下是某教师在讲授《谈读书》一课时的教学实录片段,认真阅读材料,并完成问题 (生自由朗读课文) 师:(A)用两分钟时间思考,说说自己喜欢文中的哪一句话,并用完整、流利的话语表述喜欢的理由。好,我们先来解决第一个问题。 生:我喜欢“读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,作文使人准确。”我们同学大多没有什么天分,应该多读书,多讨论,多写作,来丰富我们的学习和思想。 师:他不但说出了自己的理解,还联系到实际生活,很好,, 生:我喜欢“盖天生才干犹如自然花草,读书然后知如何修剪移接。”这句话运用了比喻,形象生动,使人更加明白。 生:我喜欢“用书之智不在书中,而在书外,全凭观察得之。”它告诉我们,可以把书中的知识运用到实际生活中,也可以从生活中学到知识。 师:同学们回答得很好。现在,我们来解决第二个问题。文章是翻译过来的,又很有哲理,理解上有一定的困难。同学们还有自己尚未理解的问题吗?如果有,提出来,请其他同学帮助解决。 生:怎样理解“惟明智之士用读书”? 师:哪位同学来回答? 生:说明要把书上的知识运用到生活中去。 生:怎样理解“读书费时过多易惰”? (生一时冷场) 师: (B)我们要看“易惰”是在什么情况下造成的。请看原文,“易惰”的前提是“费时过多”,说明书读得太慢,便养成了懒散的习惯,从而影响读书的效率。 生:“如不能辨异。可令读经院哲学,盖此辈皆吹毛求疵之人”怎样理解? 师:“吹毛求疵”是什么意思?请大家看注解,它告诉我们(读):“指细致到烦琐、挑剔的地步。”再来理解“不能辨异”,就是不能辨别事物的不同之处。连起来,就是说明这些人善于求异,非常细致,需要我们像他们一样辨异,来弥补自己的不善于求异。 生:不能理解“寻章摘句”这句话。我们上课,不就是在寻章摘句吗? 师: (C)上课的“寻章摘句”,是积累,以此来帮助理解整篇文章的内容,而不仅仅局限于句子本身。 师: (D)好,现在大家把课文读一遍,边读边回味一下大家刚刚提出的问题。 (齐读课文) 以下对划线部分的分析不正确的是()。
A. 提问非常到位,准确。这一问题中,既明确了阅读的任务,表达基于个性体验的文本理解,更明确了表述的要求。定性与定量的通盘考虑,使学生的思维、口头表述更趋规范 B. 教师应该先表扬这位学生思维的高质量,再帮助引领。具体解决时,教师紧扣字词。从“易惰”的条件引出结论,既没有先集思广益,发动学生讨论,仅仅流于字的表面意思 C. 这里老师较好地回答了学生的问题,帮助学生理解“寻章摘句”,较好地处理了学生在阅读文本中遇到的问题 D. 通过朗读,既对前一阶段的学习进行回顾,也为下一阶段的学习作过渡。在这一阶段中,教师组织学习过程的能力尚待加强 [判断题] 低压电气带电工作应戴手套、护目镜,并保持对地绝缘。( ) (1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]凡生产装置或系统全部停车,装置经清洗、置 换、分析合格并采取安全隔离措施后,动火作业可按二级动火作业管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]腹外疝最常见的疝内容物为
A.盲肠 B.大网膜 C.阑尾 D.乙状结肠 E.小肠 [单选题]必须开展加强型尽职调查的情形不包括:___
A.境外人士签约私人银行客户。 B.境外人士签约签约网络金融业务。 C.客户身份变更为境外人士。 D.客户办理1万美元以上现金存取业务的。 [判断题]综合法的教育特征之一是“强调概念的作用大于媒介(包括工具)”。
[单选题]电动转辙机在插入手摇把或钥匙时,( )应可靠断开。
A.移位接触器 B.自动开闭器 C.安全接点 D.断相开关 [单选题]召开党的中央和地方委员会全体会议,在显著位置悬挂( )。
A.党旗 B.国旗 C.党徽 D.国徽 [名词解释]鱼形类
Narrow Escape
We had left the hut too late that morning. When we stepped outside,the sky beyond the mountains to our east was already livid with colour. It meant the day would be a hot one,and the warmth would loosen rocks that were gripped by ice. As soon as we stepped out on to the face,it became obvious this was going to be an awkward route. The main problem was talus,the debris that collects on mountainsides. Talus is despised by mountaineers for two reasons. First,because it can easily be pushed off on to you by people climbing above. And second,because it makes every step you take insecure. For about 30 minutes we moved steadily up the face. The rock was in poor condition, shattered horizontally and mazed with cracks. When I tried to haul myself up on a block of it,it would pull out towards me,like a drawer opening. My hands became progressively wetter and colder. Then came a shout.“Cailloux!Cailloux!”I heard yelled from above,in a female voice. The words echoed down towards us. I looked up to see where they had come from. There were just two rocks at first,leaping and bounding down the face towards us,once cannoning off each other in mid-air. And then the air above suddenly seemed alive with falling rocks,humming through the air and filling it with noise. Crack,went each one as it leapt off the rock face,then hum-hum-hum as it moved through the air,then crack again. The pause between the cracks lengthened each time,as the rocks gained momentum and jumped further and further. I continued to gaze up at the rocks as they fell and skipped towards me. A boy who had been a few years above me at school had taught me never to look up during a rock fall.“Why?Because a rock in your face is far less pleasant than a rock on your helmet,”he told us.“Face in,always face in.” I heard Toby,my partner on the mountain that day,shouting at me. I looked across. He was safe beneath an overhanging canopy of rock. I could not understand him. Then I felt a thump,and was tugged backwards and round,as though somebody had clamped a heavy hand on my shoulder and turned me to face them. A rock had hit the lid of my rucksack. I looked up again. A rock was heading down straight towards me. Instinctively,I leant backwards and arched my back out from the rock to try to protect my chest. What about my fingers,though,I thought:they'll be crushed flat if it hits them,and I'll never get down. Then I heard a crack directly in front of me,and a tug at my trousers,and a yell from Toby. “Are you all right?That went straight through you.”The rock had pitched in front of me, and passed through the hoop of my body,between my legs,missing me but snatching at my clothing as it went. Toby and I had spent the evening talking through the events of the morning:What if the big final stone hadn't leapt sideways,what if I'd been knocked off,would you have held me, would I have pulled you off?A more experienced mountaineer would probably have thought nothing of it.I knew I would not forget it. In what sense was Toby“safe”? A.The overhanging rock would protect him from falling rocks. B.He felt a hand on his shoulder. C.His rucksack was protected. D.He had hidden under a canopy. [单选题]在两线间堆放道砟、片石、砂子等线桥用料,料堆的高度不得高于钢轨顶面()
A.100mm B.200mm C.300mm D.400mm [多选题]政府专职消防员年度考核中个人述职方面,被考核对象按照岗位职责和考核内容,报告个人年度()、()、()、()、()等方面情况。 ( )
A.思想 B.学习 C.作风 D.工作 E.廉洁 [单项选择]一般胶粘剂是用()的名称来命名的。
A. 黏料 B. 固化剂 C. 稀释剂 D. 填料 [单选题]下列类风湿关节炎的处理原则中,错误的是( )
A.大剂量抗生素治疗 B.急性期加强休息 C.理疗及功能锻炼 D.给予抗风湿药 E.给予非甾体抗炎药 [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中规定,餐车橱、柜、箱干净无异味,分类标志清晰,餐料、商品、备品和餐、()等分类定位放置。
A.用具 B.容器 C.餐具 D.炊具 我来回答: 提交