Any normal species would be delighted
at the prospect of cloning. No more nasty surprises like sickle cell or Down
syndrome--just batch after batch of high-grade and, genetically speaking,
immortal offspring! But representatives of the human species are responding as
if someone had proposed adding Satanism to the grade-school Curriculum.
Suddenly, perfectly secular folks are throwing around words like sanctity and
retrieving medieval-era arguments against the pride of science. No one has
proposed burning him at the stake, but the poor fellow who induced a human
embryo to double itself has virtually recanted proclaiming his reverence for
human life in a voice, this magazine reported," choking with emotion." There is an element of hypocrisy to much of the anti-cloning furor, or if not hypocrisy, superstition. The fact is we are already A. dishonest to deny some genetic manipulations. B. impractical to change our genetic destiny. C. dangerous to prepare backup copies. D. irrational to oppose financial operations. [单项选择]经批准,某企业原使用的某宗划拨土地变更为出让,同时建筑容积率在原有基础上提高了2个百分点,则该企业应补交的土地出让金按( )公式测算。
A. 原使用条件下出让土地使用权现时市场价格—划拨土地使用权现时市场价格 B. 新使用条件下出让土地使用权现时市场价格—划拨土地使用权现时市场价格 C. 新使用条件下出让土地使用权原市场价格—划拨土地使用权原市场价格 D. 新使用条件下出让土地使用权现时市场价格X30% [判断题]( )中国石油天然气集团公司《反违章禁令》于2008年2月5日颁布施行。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列哪些是井下探放水“三专”要求内容( )。
A. 专业技术人员编制探放水设计 B. 专用探放水钻机 C. 专项探放水费用 D. 专职探放水队伍 [多选题]副交感神经兴奋时可引起
A.瞳孔扩大 B.支气管平滑肌收缩,腺体分泌增多 C.心脏活动减弱 D.胃肠运动增强,腺体分泌增多 E.汗腺分泌增多 [判断题]大气安全阀经常是水封的,可以防止大气向内泄漏。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列针对重大操作描述错误的是
A.指针对现网运行的系统设备进行操作 B.其失败的影响半导致客户业务的重大损失或引起重要客户投诉 C.重大操作与实施非诚勿扰的繁简或大小无必然的关系 D.如果公为复位即使其失败的影响达到规定的程度,也不属于重大操作 [单选题]长轨列车在曲线半径为300m以下区段及侧向通过道岔时,限速( )。
A.5km/h B.15km/h C.25km/h D.45km/h [判断题]行政机关采取金融业审慎监管措施、进出境货物强制性技术监控措施,依照《行政强制法》的规定执行。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交