At 1:30 this morning, local police
finally caught the jewel thief whom they had been trying to trap (诱捕)for the
past two months. {{U}} (56) {{/U}} the man they arrested, James Smith,
{{U}} (57) {{/U}} that he was the thief, he was {{U}} (58) {{/U}}
with several diamond rings in his {{U}} (59) {{/U}} . Police saw Smith
{{U}} (60) {{/U}} a jewelry store on Main Street at 1:16 A.M..
{{U}} (61) {{/U}} seeing the police, Smith jumped {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} his auto, and a high- speed chase followed for the next fourteen
minutes. The police finally {{U}} (63) {{/U}} Smith off the road and his
{{U}} (64) {{/U}} hit a tree. When the police searched Smith’s {{U}} (65) {{/U}}, they found the diamond rings {{U}} (66) {{/U}} in an inside pock et of his jacket. Although Smith claimed that the diamonds were fake(假的), the owner of the jewelry store A. captured B. chased C. tracked D. traced [判断题]系统中一次设备可以无保护运行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]牙本质龋的病理改变由病损深部向表面依次为()
A. 透明层、细菌侵入层、脱矿层、坏死崩解层 B. 透明层、脱矿层、细菌侵入层、坏死崩解层 C. 细菌侵入层、脱矿层、透明层、坏死崩解层 D. 细菌侵入层、透明层、脱矿层、坏死崩解层 E. 脱矿层、透明层、细菌侵入层、坏死崩解层 [单选题]下列方法可以强化传热的是( )。
A.减小流体流速 B.采用大直径管 C.采用平板面 D.采用翅片面 [判断题]绝对压力就是表压。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]绘制凸轮实际轮廓曲线,需要将轮廓对应的基圆或圆弧按圆心角分成()。
A.4等份 B.8等份 C.12等份 D.等份越多越精确 [多项选择]“三十六字母”中被称为唇音的字母是()
A. 照船床审禅 B. 非敷奉微 C. 见溪群疑 D. 帮滂并明 E. 知彻澄娘 [单项选择]工程建设监理委托合同中所说的第三方可以是()。
A. 监理单位 B. 业主 C. 监理工程师 D. 设备供应商 我来回答: 提交