Think of those fleeting moments when you look out of an aeroplane window and realise that you are flying, higher than a bird. Now think of your laptop, thinner than a brown-paper envelope, or your cellphone in the palm of your hand. Take a moment or two to wonder at those marvels. You are the lucky inheritor of a dream come true.
The second half of the 20th century saw a collection of geniuses, warriors, entrepreneurs and visionaries labour to create a fabulous machine that could function as a typewriter and printing press, studio and theatre, paintbrush and gallery, piano and radio, the mail as well as the mail carrier. (41)
The networked computer is an amazing device, the first media machine that serves as the mode of production, means of distribution, site of reception, and place of praise and critique. The computer is the 21st century’ s culture machine.
But for all the reasons there are to celebrate the computer, we must also tread with
Earth{{/B}} {{B}}Power and Light{{/B}} Compared to the rest of the universe, the Earth is very small. Our planet and eight (or maybe nine) others orbit the Sun, which is only one of about 200 billion stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is part of the universe, which includes millions of other galaxies and their stars and planets. By comparison, the Earth is microscopic. Compared to a person, on the other hand, the Earth is enormous. It has a diameter of 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers) at the equator, and it has a mass of about 6×1024 kilograms. The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of about 66,638 miles per hour (29.79 kilometers per second). Don’t dwell on those numbers too long, though; to a lot of people, the Earth is inconceivably, mind A. water B. fertilizer C. soil D. the Sun [填空题]CMNET是一种基于 协议的网络。
[填空题]车站车控室 IBP 盘中负责 IBP 盘面及盘内相关的按钮、指示 灯、信号线、端子排维修的科室为{|*|}。
A.代表心房除极过程 B.代表右心房开始除极至心室开始除极的时间 C.代表心室除极的全部过程 D.代表心室缓慢复极的过程 E.代表心室快速复极的过程 [单选题]整点现金做法错误的是()。
A.整点纸币现金要按卷别平铺逐张整理 B.百张为把,十把为捆,成捆纸币须十字形捆扎 C.每捆在捆扎接头结扣处,贴正粘牢同券别的封签并在封签上加盖日期戳记和带有行号的经办人员名章 D.硬币应按佰枚或伍拾枚为卷,拾卷为捆。每卷加盖带有行号的经办人员名章 [多选题]委托加盟旗舰店网络需支持各类生产系统,可配备____、____、____等各类设备,保障加盟店各项业务、服务的正常开展和稳定运行,相应建设费用等同营业厅处理。( )
A. 宣传 B. 自助 C. 叫号 D. 联播 [单选题]真空有载分接开关绝缘油检测的( )和( )应与变压器本体保持一致。
A.A.时间、标准 B.B.周期、项目 C.C.频率、项目 D.D.标准、项目 [单项选择]
A. It combines different feelings together. B. It can express some very confusing feelings. C. It exaggerates some special feelings. D. It expresses feelings in an appropriate way. [单选题]泵送混凝土前,应先用水泥浆,或与泵送混凝土配合比相同,但粗骨料减少( )的混凝土通过管道。
A.40% B.50% C.60% D.80% [简答题]随着历史前进,我国的饮食文化有何变化?
A.1.0-1.33 B.1.25-1.33 C.1.25-1.5 D.1.33-1.5 [多选题]下列有关期货业协会的说法,正确的有( )。
A.期货业协会的章程由会员大会制定 B.期货业协会设理事会,理事会成员按照章程的规定选举产生 C.期货业协会的权力机构为全体会员组成的会员大会 D.期货业协会是期货业的他律性组织,其业务活动受国务院期货监督管理机构的领导 [多选题]悬吊式管形母线安装,下例说法正确的(____)。
A.管形母线就位前检查金具、绝缘子串正确组装,销针完整,绝缘子碗口朝上 B.管形母线就位后结合下方隔离开关基础复测管形母线标高,误差范围内可通过调整环进行调节 C.单跨距、大口径悬吊式管形母线不宜预弯 D.配重块来调平应考虑安装在管形母线上方隔离开关静触头重量 [单选题]新媒体平台内容中,最先吸引读者浏览的是( )。
A.正文 B.正文中间 C.中文结尾 D.标题 [单项选择]患者完成锁骨下静脉穿刺后发生气急、发绀、呼吸音减弱可能有()
A. 导管堵塞 B. 感染 C. 气胸 D. 肺炎 E. 输液过多 [单选题]电缆耐压试验分相进行时,另两相电缆应()。
A.可靠接地 B.用安全围栏与被试相电缆隔开 C.用绝缘挡板与被试相电缆隔开 D.短接 [多选题]站用电低压系统应采用(____)制,系统的中性点(____)。
A.三相三线 B.三相四线 C.不接地 D.直接接地 [单选题]因体积大、笨重、数量多、火势迅猛来不及疏散的物资,消防人员应采取( )
A.拆除 B.疏散 C.就地保护 D.转移 [简答题]YZ-1型制动机分配阀内增压阀杆上的O形圈磨损,总风缸的风渗入容积室,致使分配阀均衡活塞下侧的压力空气排不尽或作用管存有压力空气,会造
[多项选择]项目组织再造的原则与方法包括( )。
A. 避免因人调整组织设置 B. 处理好调整的时机问题 C. 新组织不一定要克服原组织下需解决的问题,应面向新问题 D. 维护客户利益 E. 尽可能保持项目工作的连续性 [单项选择]拔牙术中的并发症不包括()。
A. 出血 B. 牙折断 C. 干槽症 D. 颞下颌关节脱位 E. 牙根进入上颌窦 我来回答: 提交