{{B}}The Art
of Public Speaking{{/B}} If you were to tape-record one of David Letterman’s comedy routines, memorize it word for word, and stand up before your friends to recite it, would you get the same response Letterman does Not very likely. And why not Because you would not deliver the jokes as Letterman does. Of course, the jokes are basically funny. But David Letterman bring something extra to the jokes—his manner of presentation, his vocal inflections, his perfectly timed pauses, his facial expressions, his gestures. All these are part of an expert delivery. No one expects your speech class to transform you into a multimillion-dollar talk show host. Still, this example demonstrates how important delivery can be to any public speaking situation. Even a common speech will be A. turn nonsense into triumph B. make sure it is enough C. know how to say it D. bear the success in mind [单项选择]宏达汽车公司生产的小轿车都安装了驾驶员安全气囊。在安装驾驶员气囊的小轿车中,有50%安装了乘客安全气囊。只有安装乘客安全气囊的小轿车才会同时安装减轻冲击力的安全杠和防碎玻璃。
如果上述判定为真,并且事实上李先生从宏达汽车公司购进的一辆小轿车中装有防碎玻璃,则以下哪项一定为真 Ⅰ.这辆车一定装有安全杠。 Ⅱ.这辆车一定装有乘客安全气囊。 Ⅲ.这辆车一定装有驾驶员安全气囊。 A. 只有Ⅰ。 B. 只有Ⅱ。 C. 只有Ⅲ。 D. 只有Ⅰ和Ⅱ。 E. Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ。 [单项选择]Last month Hansen Transmissions International, a maker of gearboxes for wind turbines, was listed on the London Stock Exchange. Nothing noteworthy about that, you might say, despite the jump in the share price on the first day of trading and the handsome gain since: green technology is all the rage, is it not But Hansen exemplifies another trend, too, which should prove every bit as durable: the rise of multinational companies from emerging economies. Its parent is Suzlon, an Indian fin that began life as a textile manufacturer, but is now among the world’s five leading makers of wind turbines. Along the way, Suzlon has acquired not only Hansen, originally Belgian, but also RE power, a German wind-energy firm, spending over $ 2 billion on the pair.
The world is now replete with Suzlons: global companies from emerging economies buying businesses in rich countries as well as in poorer places. Another Indian company, Tata Motors, looks likely to add to the list soon, by buying two gr A. It’s a multinational company characterized by green technology. B. It was originally a Belgian company acquired by an Indian firm. C. It’s an example of emerging economies buying businesses in rich countries. D. The parent of the company started from a business in wind energy. [单项选择]下列符合缺铁性贫血潜伏期的是()
A. 血清铁蛋白减少 B. 血清铁减少 C. 转铁蛋白饱和度下降 D. 总铁结合力下降 E. 小细胞低色素性贫血 [单选题] 党的十九大报告明确,要把社会主义核心价值观融入社会发展各方面,转化为人们的
( )和( )。 A. 情感认同;行为习惯 B. 情感共鸣;行为习惯 C. 情感认同;行为规范 D. 情感共鸣;行为规范 [判断题]粗加工间的各类食品机械用完后应及时清洁以防污染。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]A.弱酸性药物
A.弱碱性药物 B.强碱性药物 C.两性药物 D.中性药物 E.在胃中易吸收的药物是 [单选题]当某个方位处于机场内,是空管关注区域时,可以将其设置为()
A.静默区 B.非初始化区 C.反射区 D.发射区 [判断题] 微型消防站值班人员和消防员应按时上下班,严禁出现迟到、早退现象的发生,工
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]血清补体C3下降见于
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. 系统性红斑狼疮活动期 C. 系膜毛细血管性肾炎 D. 乙肝病毒相关性肾炎 [多项选择]企业进行债券投资的优点有( )。
A. 投资的流动性强 B. 投资的安全性好 C. 支付的现金等于债券的面值 D. 购买债券的手续简便 E. 投资收益比较稳定 [单选题]会计出纳人员休班一般指离岗( )。
A.2日至3日 B.4日至5日 C.1日(含)至3日(含) D.3日以下 [单项选择]He seemed in such an inconsolable state that I didn't know whether to leave or stay.
A. distracted B. enraged C. overjoyed D. brokenhearted [判断题](判断题).体检中常用的健康风险评估指标有:HDL-C;LDL-C;总胆固醇;血压;甘油三酯;体重
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]飞机的俯仰稳定力矩主要由()产生?
A. 水平尾翼 B. 机身 C. 机翼 [判断题]配电箱的电器安装板上的N线和PE线端子应固定在一个端子板上,用螺栓固定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]女性,22岁,未婚处女,13岁初潮,月经周期较规律,近半年月经期延长,淋漓不尽。肛门指诊:子宫右侧可触及与子宫相连的囊实性不活动肿块7cm,有轻压痛,未触及痛性结节。为进一步诊断,首先方便经济的辅助检查包括()
A. 宫腔镜检查 B. 盆腔B超 C. 盆腔CT D. 血CA125测定 E. 内分泌激素测定 F. 腹腔镜检查 [单项选择](CRS)用于下行信道估计及非beamforming模式下的解调、调度上下行资源及切换测量;(DRS)仅用于波束赋型模式,用于UE解调;(DMRS)用于上行控制和数据信道的相关解调;()用于估计上行信道域信息,做频率选择性调度。
A. DMRS, B. DRS, C. SRS, D. CRS. [单选题]员工访问互联网时,应该做到( )。
A.遵守法律、行政法规和国家其他有关规定 B.不利用计算机信息系统从事危害国家利益、集体利益和公民合法利益的活动 C.不得泄露国家和公司秘密 D.以上都是 [多选题] 前发列车为( )以及进入区间岔线或区间内装卸作业的列车,禁止跟踪出站调车。
A.国际旅客列车 B.军运列车 C.专运列车 D.挂有公务车的列车 我来回答: 提交