In this new era, the single most
immediate and most serious challenge to America traditional identity comes from
the immense and continuing immigration from Latin America, especially from
Mexico, and the fertility (生育) rates of these immigrants compared to black and
white American natives. Americans like to boast of their past success in
assimilating (同化) millions of immigrants into their society, culture, and
politics. But Americans have tended to generalize about immigrants without
distinguishing among them and have focused on the economic costs and benefits of
immigration, ignoring its social and cultural consequences. As a result, they
have overlooked the unique characteristics and problems posed by contemporary
Hispanic immigration. The extent and nature of this immigration differ
fundamentally from those of previous A. their strong economic and political power on world stage B. their capability on involving other people into their culture C. their great tolerance of the cultural features of immigrants D. their high fertility rate of native blacks and whites [单项选择]In what way is the computer superior to the human brain
A. Its more logical behavior. B. Its faster calculating speed. C. Its better job done on the Turing test. D. Its performing several operations simultaneously. [单选题]假定有以下通用过程:
Function Fun(n As Integer)As Integer X=n * n Fun=x - 11 End Function 在窗体上画一个命令按钮,其名称为Command1,然后编写如下事件过程: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 2 Y = Fun(i) Print y; Next i End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,在窗体上显示的内容是 ( )。 A. 1 3 B. 10 8 C. -10 -7 D. 0 5 [单选题]体温下降期的热代谢特点是( )
A.产热大于散热 B.散热大于产热 C.产热等于散热 D.产热减少 E.散热增加 [多选题]CR400AF型动车组若发现轴箱弹簧有( )等异常时更换
A.裂纹 B.折损 C.断裂 D.弹簧有效圈间抗磨 [判断题]刮板输送机运行时,不准人员从机头上部跨越,不准清理转动部位的煤粉或用手调整刮板链。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]I ______ the picture from the wall in order to clean it.
A. set up B. took down C. looked at [判断题]餐饮场所的地点通常要设在交通便捷之处,并不一定要位于城市中心。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]甲公司是否可以按此方案发行优先股?请说明理由。
[单选题]2.449. 由于管理不善、电力网元件漏电等情况引起的电能损失,属于( )。
A.技术线损 B.固定线损 C.可变线损 D.管理线损 [多选题]按照《国务院关于印发划转部分国有资本金实施方案的通知》,属于划转国有资本充实社保基金范围的有( )
A.中央国有控股大型企业 B.地方国有控股金融机构 C.公益类企业 D.政策性和开发性金融机构 [判断题]彼得〃德鲁克认为,在富有开拓精神的管理中,最关键的问题就是战略经营。
[单选题]动力制动与空气制动配合使用时,应将机车制动缸压力及时缓解为( )( 设有自动控制装置的机车除外 )。
A. 零 B. 10KPA C. 30KPA [判断题]弹性公网IP产品可以为客户提供动态公网IP地址资源。( )
难易程度:中 A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]螨虫易在高温潮湿的环境中繁殖,是难以用肉眼识别的。这种说法是( )。
A.错误 B.正确 [单项选择]招标代理机构资格不能由( )认定。
A. 省的建设行政部门 B. 国务院的建设行政主管部门 C. 自治区的建设行政主管部门 D. 乡镇的行政主管部门 [单选题]生产经营单位违反《安全生产法》,未为从业人员提供符合国家标准或者行业标准的劳动防护用品的,责令限期改正;逾期未改正的,责令停止建设或者停产停业整顿,可以并处( )罚款。
A.2万元以下 B.5万元以下 C.10万元以下 D.20万元以下 我来回答: 提交