The year 2005 was a good year for me. I came to
China and started teaching English. I’ve also met a lot of nice people and seen
a lot of new, interesting things. But for many people 2005 was a disaster. The
earth got angry and destroyed the lives of thousands. A tsunami (海啸) last Christmas killed tens of thousands of people around the Indian Ocean. It was a terrible event but the relief effort was wonderful. Countries from around the world, including China, got together to help the victims re-build their lives. The earth got angry again in late summer when a hurricane (飓风) drowned the American city of New Orleans. Luckily, not many people died but hundreds of thousands had their lives turned upside down. And, finally, in October, the earth shook. A giant earthquake (地震) i [单项选择]心脏复苏停止指征()
A. 发现患者肋骨骨折 B. 患者有颈椎骨折 C. 患者恢复了心跳和自主呼吸 D. 急救车司机发现患者已死亡 E. 散大的瞳孔未回缩 [多项选择]以下属于监理人的监督控制权的是( )。
A. 向承包人提出建议 B. 对施工进度的监督 C. 征得委托人同意,发布开工令 D. 对工程上使用的材料和施工质量进行检验 E. 工程设计变更的审批 [判断题]防恶意代码系统加固时病毒库代码的更新需使用 U 盘和专机查杀等技术手段,避免因跨区拷贝导致外网恶意代码引入到安全区内造成重大安全隐患。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]传动滚筒表面包胶的目的是为了减少滚筒与胶带之间的摩擦力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]划眼时,井底压力等于( )作用于井底的总压力。
A.环空流动阻力; B.激动压力; C.抽吸压力; D.环形空间静液压力。 [单选题]托尔斯泰说:“如果一个教师把热爱事业和热爱学生结合起来,他就是一个完美的教师”
。这意味着教师要( )
A.关心学生、了解学生 B.尊重学生、信任学生 C.严格要求学生,对学生一视同仁 D.把热爱事业与热爱学生结合起来 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司信息安全防护管理办法》(Q/CSG218014-2014), 外包商安全管理中,外包软件在使用或投产前必须进行测试检查,并应采取控制措施来限制外包方访问()信息资产。
A.敏感 B.应用系统 C.重要 D.非常重要 [多选题] 下列对施工现场安全防护的描述正确的是()。
A.现场的施工设施,应符合防洪防火防强风防雷击防砸防坍塌以及工业卫生等安全要求 B.现场的洞(孔)坑沟升降口,漏斗口等危险处应有防护设施和明显警示标志 C.脚手架拆除时,在拆除物坠落范围的外侧应设有安全围栏与醒目的安全警示标志 D.危险作业场所应设有事故报警装置 [多选题]配电线路、设备停电时,熔断器的熔管应摘下或悬挂( )的标示牌。
A.A.“止步,高压危险!” B.B.“禁止分闸!” C.C.“禁止合闸,有人工作!” D.D.“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!” [单选题]电压表的内阻()。
A.越小越好 B.越大越好 C.适中为好 D.大小一样 [多选题]《关于进一步规范互联网购票旅客直接进站乘车管理的通知》(客函〔2012〕128号)规定:列车验票时,发现互联网购票旅客直接持本人有效身份证件原件未换取纸质在不具备条件车站进站上车的,列车长应核对( )和( )。
A.旅客所持的本人有效身份证件原件 B.“站车客运信息无线交互系统”手持终端提供的该旅客电子客票信息。 C.旅客有效身份证件 D.旅客的电子客票信息 [名词解释]职权结构
[单项选择]报社财务活动的起点是( )
A. 资金筹集 B. 流动资产管理 C. 固定资产管理 D. 成本、费用管理 [单项选择] Insurance in respect of the property will be carried out by the Society in accordance with the rules and the mortgage conditions with such insurance companies as the Society may determine. The Society has a wide experience of insurance companies and of the terms offered by their policies, and places insurance with many companies who are able to provide the cover which the Society considers necessary. You may like the Society to insure with a particular company, and if so please contact immediately the Branch Office to which you submitted your application for loan, and so long as that company and its terms are acceptable to the Society the cover(保险) will be arranged accordingly. If you should suggest a company and it is not one with which the Society does business you will be informed and offered a choice of other companies. You may request change of insurance company at any time during the life of the mort- gage. If your mortgage is under the endowment (资助) scheme or supported by an
A. it is impossible to change that company later on B. the Society will provide a list of alternative companies C. the Society will not accept responsibility for the policy D. the Society may not be able to agree to the company [单选题]变压器励磁涌流可达变压器额定电流的(____)。
A.6~8倍 B. 1~2倍 C. 10~12倍 D. 14~16倍 [单选题]凡在坠落高度基准面( )米及以上有可能坠落的高处进行作业,称为高处作业。
A.5 B.3 C.2 D.1 [判断题]消防救援人员经培训合格后,方可晋升上一级消防救援衔。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]《素问·上古天真论》论养生防病的重要原则可归纳为
A. 法于阴阳,和于术数 B. 顺应四时,外避邪气 C. 食饮有节,起居有常 D. 调摄精神,保养正气 E. 不妄劳作,劳逸适度 [单选题]1.23 监管指标"外地人集中考试",为防止外地人集中考试作弊。业务监管岗核查的标准是:某考场同一科目当天外地人考试数量超过考试总人数_____以上的。
A.80% B.85% C.90% D.100% [单选题]下面()不是安全阀的规格型号。
A.YF5A B.ZHYFI C.ZHYFII D.DSF [单选题] ( )主要用于扑救油品火灾,如汽油、煤油、柴油、苯、甲苯、动物油脂等初起火灾。
A.水型灭火器 B.化学泡沫灭火器 C.干粉灭火器 D.二氧化碳灭火器 [单项选择]
A. formally B. formerly C. normally D. favorably [单选题]为防止因绝缘破坏而遭到触电的危险,将与电气设备带电部分相绝缘的金属外壳或架构 与接地体之间做良好的连接,称为( )。
A.保护接地 B.工作接地 C.保护接零 D.屏蔽接地 [判断题]家风是一个家庭或家族的传统风尚或作风,良好的家风只会影响家族或家庭中个体的成长,与社会发展并无关系
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交