A Shopping Experience
I went shopping by myself one day. When I was going to check out, I found I had forgotten to bring my credit card with me. The cashier put aside my order while I drove home to get it.
My husband was home, so be came along to help. As we pulled into the parking lot, I saw a man sitting in his car. My husband and I ran into the store, paid for what we bought and came out:
As we walked to our ear, the man came over. "How did you do that " he said. "You were in the store for only ten minutes. I've been waiting for my wife for an hour !"
I thought that a little white lie couldn't hurt(伤害) the woman shopping by herself, so I said to my husband, "Ten minutes. That's a record (记录) !" Then I told the man," It's amazing (令人吃惊的) how much faster the shopping gets done when the husband helps."
{{B}}Retirement for
Marion{{/B}} Marion White is due to retire next week from well-known local law firm Barney & Francis,{{U}} (29) {{/U}}... offices are loca [单选题]大连地铁1号线车辆客室车门的传动方式采用( )传动。
A.电机 B.齿带 C.电磁铁 D.复位气缸 [单选题]门腔静脉分流术后引起肝性脑病的原因是:
A.血糖升高 B.血清镁升高 C.血清钾升高 D.血氨升高 E.血栓形成 [填空题]站点勘察时,应尽可能参考成熟的2G小区站址,在满足系统隔离的情况下尽量()或者()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]井下机电硐室的温度超过( )度时必须停止作业。
A.26 B.30 C.34 D.40 [多项选择]审查N公司应收账款关联方欠款情况时,发现有母公司欠款余额2800万元,N公司尚未取得母公司关于欠款的确认回函,审计人员应实施的程序是()。
A. 认定为虚假应收账款 B. 提请被审计单位与欠款母公司核对账目,取得并分析确认回函 C. 审阅分析被审计单位详细资料,判断此款项是否属于正常往来欠款 D. 查阅股东会筹资决议 E. 审查财务报表附注的披露是否充分 [单选题]钢丝绳插接的环绳或绳套,其插接长度应大于钢丝绳直径的15倍,且不得小于()mm。新插接的钢丝绳套应做125%允许负荷的抽样试验。
A.200 B.300 C.400 D.500 [单项选择]第二次世界大战后,新发展起来的国际垄断组织是( )。
A. 跨国公司 B. 卡特尔 C. 辛迪加 D. 托拉斯 我来回答: 提交