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[单项选择]使用农民集体所有的土地,下列哪个情形并不属于农村集体经济组织报经原批准用地的人民政府批准,可以收回土地使用权( )
A. 不按照批准的用途使用土地的 B. 乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设,需要使用土地的 C. 因经营不善,用地单位濒临破产的 D. 因撤销、迁移等原因而停止使用土地的 [不定项选择题]共用题干
How the First Stars in the Universe Came into Existence Researchers believe that our universe began with the Big Bang(宇宙大爆炸)about 13 billion years ago,and that soon after that event,matter began to form as small dust grains and gases.How the first stars formed from this dust and gas has been a burning question for years,but a state-of-the-art computer simula- tion now offers the most detailed picture yet of how these first stars in the universe came into existence. The composition of the early universe was quite different from that of today,and the physics that governed the early universe were also somewhat simpler. Dr. Naoki Yoshida and colleagues in Japan and the U.S.incorporated these conditions of the early universe,sometimes referred to as the"cosmic dark ages",to simulate the formation of an astronomical object that would eventually shine its light into this darkness. The result is a detailed description of the formation of a protostar(原恒星)一the early stage of a mas- sive primordial(原始的)star of our universe , and the researchers ' computer simulation , which has been called a"cosmic Rosetta Stone"sets the bar for further investigation into the star formation process.The ques- tion of how the first stars evolved is so important because their formations and eventual explosions provided the seeds for subsequent stars to come into being. According to their simulation,gravity acted on minute density variations in matter,gases,and the myste- riou;"dark matter"of the universe after the Big Bang in order to form this early stage of a star一a protostar with a mass of just one percent of our sun. The simulation reveals how pre-stellar(前恒星的)gases would have actually evolved under the simpler physics of the early universe to form this protostar. Dr. Yoshida's simulation also shows that the protostar would likely evolve into a massive star capable of synthesizing(合成)heavy elements,not just in later generations of stars,but soon after the Big Bang. "This general picture of star formation,and the ability to compare how stellar objects form in different time periods and regions of the universe,will eventually allow investigation into the origins of life and planets,"said Lars Herriquist,a professor of Astronomy at Harvard University and a co-author of this latest report."The abundance of elements in the universe has increased as stars have accumulated,"he says,"and the formation and destruction of stars continues to spread these elements further across the universe.So all of the elements in our bOdies originally formed from nuclear reactions in the centers of stars,long ago." Their simulation of the birth of a protostar in the early universe signifies a key step toward the ambitious goal of piecing together the formation of an entire primordial star and of predicting the mass and properties of these first stars of the universe.More powerful computers,more physical data,and an even larger range will be needed for further calculations and simulations,but these researchers hope to eventually extend this simu- lation to the point of nuclear reaction initiation一when a stellar object becomes a true star. "Dr. Yoshida has taken the study of primordial star formation to a new level with this simulation,but it still gets us only to the halfway point towards our final goal.It is like laying the foundation of a skyscraper," said Volker Bromm,assistant professor of Astronomy at the University of Texas, Austin and the author of a companion article."We must continue our studies in this area to understand how the initially tiny protostar grows,layer by layer,to eventually form a massive star. But here,the physics become much more complicated and even more computational resources are needed." What does the state-of-the-art computer simulation tell us about? A.How the Big Bang occurred about 13 billion years ago. B.How"cosmic dark ages"came into existence. C.How dust grains and gases were formed after the Big Bang. D.How the first stars came into being after the Big Bang. [单选题]《建筑施工特种作业操作资格证书》每( )年复审一次。
A.2年 B.3年 C.4年 D.5年 [单选题]159、垫板作业时,调高垫板应垫在轨底与轨下橡胶垫板之间,一般情况下,每处调高垫板不得超过2块,总厚度不得超过( )。
A.5mm B.7mm C.10mm D.14mm [单选题]使用水准仪时读数时,应先读()。
A.m B.cm C.dm D.mm [单项选择]The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was that he______.
[单选题]乳癌TNM临床分期中属于Ⅱ期的是( )
A.TisN0M0 B.T0-1N1M0 C.T3N1-2M0 D.T1N0M0 E.包括M1的任何T、M [填空题]检查血沉应采血量________ml,抗凝剂为___________。
A. 精神药品 B. 医疗用毒性药品 C. 抗肿瘤药品 D. 放射性药品 E. 易制毒化学品 [多选题]下列哪些是分馏内操的岗位职责( )
A.自觉履行本岗位的HSE职责 B.了解和领会有关安全生产、环境保护方面的形势和任务 C.熟练实施装置的DCS操作 D.按时编制或修订的工艺技术操作规程 [单项选择]一般不具有法律效力、不需经过国家权力机关批准的预算是( )。
A. 政府年度预算 B. 地方年度预算 C. 政府中期预算 D. 中央年度预算 [多选题]城市轨道交通服务保障能力评价包括 乘车和基础保障等6个一级指标。
A.进出站 B.问询 C.购检票 D.候车 [简答题]在一次行政执法中,有一位同事的失误引起群众的不满,你怎么处理?
[多选题]参与( )等自然灾害救援时,还应配备护肘护膝、军刀、防尘口罩、毛巾、雨衣、个人急救包等装备。
A.火灾 B.地震 C.地质 D.气象 [单选题]团结互助的基本要求中不包括,( )
A.平等,尊重 B.相互拆台 C.顾全大局 D.互相学习 [单选题]根据我国担保法规定,下列关于抵押说法,正确的是( )。
A.抵押人所担保的债权不得超出抵押价值的50% B.土地所有权可以抵押 C.债权消灭,抵押权继续存在 D.抵押权因抵押物灭失而消灭,因灭失所得赔偿金,抵押权人可优先受偿 [单项选择]Helen will leave (immediately).
A. far away B. right away C. right here D. soon [简答题]液压拔缸器使用注意事项有哪些?
[判断题]由于微分作用可以实现超前调节,因此绝大多数系统加上微分作用后都可以减小控制时间和最大偏差。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]自( )起,湖南省设立的广告收入、河道砂石资源开采权出让收入划转税务部门征收。
A.2019年1月1日 B.2020年1月1日 C.2021年1月1日 D.2021年7月1日 [单选题]在配电站的带电区域内或临近带电线路处,禁止使用金属梯子。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]工作票是进行接触网作业的书面依据,填写时要字迹清楚、正确,需填写的内容可以涂改和用铅笔书写。( )(职工)(应知应会-铁总运[2017]25号,第十七条)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]如何理解形象的含义?
A. 主分区 B. 扩展分区 C. 简单卷 D. 镜像卷 [单项选择]下列是艾滋病传播途径的是()
A. 性接触 B. 同桌进餐 C. 握手 D. 拥抱 E. 共用浴具 [单选题]压力传感器信号输入通道采用( )隔离方式。
A.电气 B.光电 C.隔离放大器 D.变压器 [单选题]设备法兰的公称直径( )设备的公称直径
A.大于 B.小于 C. 等于 [单选题]跑步换齐步,听到口令,继续跑( )步,然后换齐步行进。( )
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [单项选择] 阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。