Irradiating Food Irradiating fruits, vegetables, pork and chicken to kill insects and bacteria has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration over the past decade or so. Irradiation of other meats, such as beef and lamb, is being reviewed. Federal approval does not require that industry adopt the process, and few food processors presently offer irradiated products. Market studies have shown that many consumers are afraid that eating irradiated foods may cause cancer, despite scientific studies that prove the safety of treated foods. Some people argue that more severe government inspection, higher food-safety standard and more careful-preparation practices by consumers are all that is needed to ensure that [单选题]评定先进基层单位,在基层自评的基础上,由()级单位统一衡量推荐
A.A、大队、支队 B.B、队站、大队 C.C、队站 D.D、总队 [单项选择]“加烧冷灶”是()的话。
A. 曾国藩 B. 胡雪岩 C. 李鸿章 D. 张之洞 [单选题]矿井应当( )至少检查1次隔爆设施的安装地点、数量、水量或者岩粉量及安装质量是否符合要求。
A.每月 B.每季度 C.每半年 D.每周 [单选题]螺旋布条包扎法,适用于( )部位的创伤包扎。
A.A、头部 B.B、前臂、下肢、手指 C.C、关节处 [单选题]男性,33岁,体重60kg,Ⅱ°烧伤面积50%,医嘱大量补液,第1天补液总量应为( )
A.4500ml B.5400ml C.6000ml D.6500ml E.8000ml [单选题]《铁路旅客运输规程》第六十七条中规定,下列按包裹运输的物品是( )。
A.尸体、尸骨、骨灰、灵柩及易于污染、损坏车辆的物品 B.国家禁止运输的物品和不适于装入行李车的物品 C.抢险救灾物资,书刊,鲜或冻鱼介类、肉、蛋、奶类、果蔬类 D.蛇、猛兽和每头超过20千克的活动物(警犬和运输命令指定运输的动物除外) [单选题]多媒体计算机是指 ______。
A.能处理声音的计算机 B.能处理图像的计算机 C.能进行文本、声音、图像等多种媒体处理的计算机 D.能进行通信处理的计算机 [单项选择]在Dreamweaver中,下面关于图片的操作描述不正确的是( )。
A. 在Dreamweaver中,可以通过热点在一张图片上添加多个链接 B. 在Dreamweaver中,两张图片可以通过事件设置进行替换 C. 在Dreamweaver中,一张图片只能有一个链接 D. 在Dreamweaver中,可以通过层在图片上添加文字 [单选题]为保证除氧效果,一般除氧器内的压力为0.02MPa,饱和水的温度为( )。
A.100℃ B.100~101℃ C.101~102℃ D.104~105℃ [填空题]She is by far (active) ( ) member in our group.
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