{{B}}The Cutting
Edge{{/B}} Economists and governments agree these days on the crucial importance of foreign direct invest-ment (FDI). They see it both as the global market’s "seal of approval" on a country’s policies and prospects, and as a force, especially in developing countries, for far- reaching economic change. This consensus is surprising when you remember that FDI remains politically sensitive in many poor, and some not-so-poor, countries. But the benefits are so great that reservations on this account have been put aside. The point about FDI is that it is far more than mere "capital": it is a uniquely potent bundle of capital, contacts, and managerial and technological knowledge. It is the cutting edge of globalization. The outlook for FDI- in total, and countr A. To caution against the negative effects of unbridled globalization. B. To criticize the wrong approaches of host countries to FDI. C. To introduce a newly issued report on FDI. D. To assess the benefits, and drawbacks of FDI. [单项选择]事业单位开展专业业务活动及辅助活动取得收入时,应贷记的会计科目是()。
A. “财政补助收入” B. “上级补助收入” C. “事业收入” D. “经营收入” [单选题]以下不属于安全交底内容的是( )
A.作业内容 B.作业人员分工 C.作业中可能存在的危害因素 D.作业结束时间 [单选题]对重大危险源进行事故严重度评价时,如果一种危险物具有多种事故形态,且它们的事故后果相差不大,则按( )原则估计事故后果。
A.最大危险 B.概率求和 C.平均分配 D.最小后果 [单项选择]一35岁喜饮酒之男性出现上腹痛。声像图证实有一中度增大的胆囊内有圆形绒毛状的无声影且可移动的回声,这种发现提示为()
A. 结石 B. 胆囊癌 C. 积血块 D. 胆淤泥团 E. 蛔虫残骸 [单项选择]盈亏平衡分析分线性盈亏平衡分析和非线性盈亏平衡分析。其中,线性盈亏平衡分析的前提条件之一是( )。
A. 只生产单一产品,且生产量等于销售量 B. 单位可变成本随生产量的增加成比例降低 C. 生产量与销售量之间呈线性比例关系 D. 销售收入是销售量的线性函数 [填空题]自动闭塞区间,因自然灾害、设备故障封锁区间时,经现场处置具备行车条件后,列车调度员即可发布调度命令开通区间(需开行作业车进入封锁区间配合处置时,还须确认作业车均到达车站)。自动闭塞区间,因司机请求救援封锁区间时,列车调度员接到救援列车连挂妥当并恢复<--NRC-->牵引运行的报告后发布调度命令开通区间(区间分部运行时,须确认区间空闲)。
[单选题]1.75. 第75题 采用低电阻接地方式的10(20)千伏系统,在发生单相接地故障时,10(20)千伏配电网的接地电流宜控制在()安范围内。
A.50~100 B.100~150 C.150~500 D.250~500 [简答题]简述OMC系统首次登录、到OMC上可管理在网设备为止,必须完成的设置和操作。
[判断题]制冷系统工况调试就是调整蒸发器的工作温度,实际上就是调整膨胀阀阀孔的开度,以控制进入蒸发器内制冷剂的数量和压力。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]生产库
[填空题] Once open only to the rich, who could (36) __________the fees of expensive country club, tennis is becoming more and more (37) ___________. Tennis courts are (38) ___________ up everywhere.
There are indoor and outdoor courts, and even courts on the (39) __________of skyscrapers. Sporting goods (40) __________are doing a booing business in tennis (41)________. Tennis clothing has become an important item in the (42) __________world.
Early in its (43) __________tennis was the sport of king and, (44) ____________________________. The French King Charles V loved to play tennis, but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court. (45) ____________________________. In England, Henry IV outlawed tennis because the church leaders of his time were angry that women wore less clothing when they played. (46) ____________________________.
[多选题]合格的管理人员应具备( )。
A.技术技能 B.人际技能 C.概念技能 D.沟通协调技能 [单项选择]关于监测标石埋设方法正确的是:()
A. 置于接头坑的中间部位,有字面面向公路 B. 置于光缆路由上,有字面面向光缆A端 C. 置于光缆路由上,有字面面向光缆B端 D. 置于接头坑的中间部位,有字面面向接头坑 [单项选择]所标明的适应证或者功能主治超出规定范围的药品是()。
A. 劣药 B. 假药 C. 残次药品 D. 仿制药品 E. 特殊管理药品 [单选题]螺纹上端工作塞规用于检验牙数大于4牙的内螺纹其旋合量不能多于( ) 。
A.3牙 B.4牙 C.1牙 D.2牙 [判断题]离合器具有限制所传递的扭矩,防止传动系过载的功能。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]新安装或()类检修后投运的断路器、长期停用的断路器投入运行()小时内,应增加巡视次数(不少于3次),巡视项目按照全面巡视执行。
A.A/B类;72 B.C/D类;72 C.A/B类;24 D.C/D类;24 我来回答: 提交