{{B}} How to
See Friendship{{/B}} More than forty thousand readers told us what they looked for in chose friendships, what they expected{{U}} (51) {{/U}}friends, what they were willing to give in return, and how satisfied they were{{U}} (52) {{/U}}the quality of their friendships. The{{U}} (53) {{/U}}give little comfort to social critics. Friendship{{U}} (54) {{/U}}to be a unique form of human bonding. Unlike marriage or the ties that{{U}} (55) {{/U}}parents and children, it is not defined or regulated by{{U}} (56) {{/U}}. Unlike other social roles that we are expected to{{U}} (57) {{/U}}as citizens, employees, members of professional societies and other organizations--it has its own principle, which is to promote{{U}} (58) {{/U}}of w A. main B. central C. neutral D. nuclear [判断题]需要变更工作班成员时,应经工作负责人同意,在对新的作业人员进行安全交底手续后,方可进行工作。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高程测量按所使用的仪器和施测方法不同分类中,最准确也是最普遍使用的是( )。
A.水准测量 B.三角高程测量 C.气压高程测量 D.A、B、C 都可以 [单项选择]女性,24岁。尿频、尿急、终末血尿2年。尿常规检查:脓细胞(+++),红细胞(+)。尿细菌培养阴性,IVU检查:左肾未显影,左肾区可见斑片状高密度阴影,右肾盂肾盏显示光滑,有轻度积水。诊断首先考虑()。
A. 左肾结核 B. 左肾结石并感染 C. 慢性细菌性膀胱炎 D. 慢性肾盂肾炎 E. 左肾积脓 [多选题]奋斗文化的践行标准:( )
A.价值 B.争先 C.协同 D.关爱 [单项选择]锇酸-α萘胺染色法的结果错误的是()
A. 变性髓鞘呈黑色 B. 正常髓鞘呈红色 C. 红细胞呈淡红色 D. 结缔组织呈蓝色 E. 尼氏小体呈紫色 [判断题]错误操纵及使用行车设备耽误调车为一般A类事故。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]烟草专用机械名录由国务院烟草专卖行政主管部门规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]归因理论的主要内涵是什么?
[多选题]《关于开展尘肺病重点行业工伤保险有关工作的通知》指出,在尘肺病重点行业开展为期三年的( )。
A.工伤保险扩面专项行动 B.工伤宣传计划 C.工伤预防专项行动 D.康复中国行动 [单项选择]下列哪项不是谷类的蛋白质()。
A. 谷蛋白 B. 酪蛋白 C. 白蛋白 D. 醇溶蛋白 E. 球蛋白 [多项选择]咨询工程师对进度计划的执行情况进行跟踪检查时,其主要工作有()。
A. 向业主提供进度报告 B. 现场实地检查工程进展情况 C. 变更进度计划 D. 定期召开现场会议 E. 定期收集进度报表资料 [判断题]阀门在研磨时要勤检查,防止偏斜和表面不平整。
[填空题]Erum Nadeem:
Your article on happiness lifted my spirits. There is one very interesting aspect to note: the eight steps to happiness listed on pages 32-33 may as well be translations of the values of our cultural tradition. If people would see our values from these aspects, there would be no misunderstanding-only happiness. Sander Tideman: I applaud your special on the science of happiness. However, the issue would have been more complete had it mentioned the idea of viewing economic development policies in the context of "gross national happiness" or GNH. This concept is based on the recognition that gross national product does not accurately reflect the well-being of a nation. GNH is a bold idea with far-reaching effects. Since happiness has a scientific base, it can be developed and promoted on a larger social scale. Paul Aboh: Happiness is a gift, not a commodity. Even the poor have the ability to [多项选择]流行性感冒的临床特征是()
A. 急起高热 B. 乏力 C. 咳嗽咳痰 D. 咽部烧灼感 E. 肌肉酸痛 我来回答: 提交