Throughout history, people have been
interested in knowing how language first began, but no one knows exactly where
or how this happened. However, we do know a lot about languages, the languages
of today and also the languages of earlier times. There are probably about three
thousand languages in the world today. Chinese is the language with the most
speakers. English, Russian and Spanish are also spoken by millions of people. On
the other hand, some languages in the world have less than one hundred
speakers. There are several important families of languages in the world. For example, most of the languages of Europe are in one large family called Indo-European. The original (最初的) language of this family was spoken about 4,500 years ago. Many of the present languages of Europe and India are modern forms of the language of 4,500 yea A. will soon die out completely B. were once a relative of English C. are no longer spoken D. come from the same family [判断题]《岗位作业指导书》中要求如旅客发生疾病不能继续旅行时,列车长要及时与前方县、市所在地车站或较大的车站取得联系,通报旅客发病情况,请求救护车到场。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]房地产估价之所以要遵循替代原则,是因为根据经济学原理,在同一个市场上相同的商品有相同的价格。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]不属于教学过程中教学步骤范畴的是()
[单项选择]下列不属于新增无形资产的是( )。
A. 土地使用权 B. 专利权 C. 勘察设计费 D. 专有技术 [填空题]加入()保护后可防止假失步,增加系统稳定工作时间。
A. 小段①和小吴① B. 小段②和小吴② C. 小段③和小吴③ D. 小段②和小吴③ [多选题]拖重物沿斜面匀速上升时,拉力与重物重量的关系为( )。
A.拉力×斜面长=重量×斜面高 B.拉力×底面长=重量×斜面高 C.拉力×斜面高=重量×斜面长 D.重量/拉力=斜面长/斜面高 E.重量/拉力=底面长/斜面高 F.重量/拉力=斜面高/斜面长 [填空题] As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and 【B1】 the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly 【B2】 forward. At that moment, the air-hostess 【B3】. She looked very pale, but was quite 【B4】. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 【B5】 everyone that the pilot had 【B6】 and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at 【B7】 how to drive a car. After a moments 【B8】, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’’s cabin. Moving the pilot 【B9】, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the 【B10】 instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport 【B11】. The plane was now dangerously close 【B12】 the ground, but to everyone’’s 【B13】, it soon began to climb. The man had to 【B14】 the airport several times in group to become 【B15】 with the controls of the plane. 【B16】 the danger had not yet passed. The terrible 【B17】 came when he had to la
A. A.well B.still C.calm D.quiet [单项选择]关于Crozat矫治器的适应症,不正确的是()。
A. 个别错位牙的矫治 B. 扩大牙弓 C. 纠正颌间关系的异常 D. 修复前的正畸治疗 E. 严重拥挤者 [多选题]资源性国有资产管理,是国家及有关部门根据相关法律法规,以( )手段协调、控制、和监督资源性国有资产开发利用活动的过程。
A.经济 B.行政 C.法律 D.国际 E.社会舆论 [判断题]客户通过手机银行对借记卡临时挂失后,若要撤销挂失,需到借记卡开户网点进行解挂()
[单选题]信号工岗位职业道德规范,是指“( )、文明作业;遵章守纪、尽职尽责;主动协作、共保安全。” 〔132000000〕
A.堵塞浪费 B.令行禁止 C.勇于吃苦 D.热情服务 [单选题]站内作业车辆安全协议应( )一签。
A.三年 B.二年 C.一年 D.半年 [单选题]计算机网络最主最的功能在于 () 。
A.扩充存取容量 B.提高运算速度 C.传输文件 D.共享资源 [单选题]甲公司2020年取得一项产品发明专利,乙、丙、丁、戊四公司未经甲公司许可实施其专利。根据专利法律制度的规定,下列行为中,属于侵犯甲公司专利的是( )。
A.乙公司购买了该专利产品,经研究产品的原理后批量仿造该产品并进行销售 B.丙公司在甲公司申请前已经制造相同产品,并且仅在原有范围内继续制造 C.丁公司为科学实验而使用该专利产品 D.戊公司取得指定许可后制造该专利产品 [单项选择]下列有关于地震的震级与烈度的关系,哪些说法是正确的()。
A. 震级越高,烈度越大 B. 震级越低,烈度越大 C. 震级与烈度无任何关系 D. 烈度的大小不仅与震级有关,还与震源深浅地质构造 [单项选择]通过教育,科学知识与技术被劳动者所掌握,变成劳动者的知识与技能,从而在生产中创造物质财富,促进生产力发展。这表明()。
A. 教育是劳动力再生产的手段 B. 教育是文化再生产的手段 C. 教育生产新的科学知识和技术手段 D. 教育传递科学知识 [判断题]填用低压工作票的工作包括:低压线路、设备(不含在发电厂、变电站内的低压设备)上工作,不需要将低压线路、设备停电或做安全措施者。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交